Hey im on day 42 and ive lost all my gallery and videos and im playing on android but great game really loving it would be good if you but new clothes for them to wear all so
Losing gallery progress has to do with losing a specific save file. Sadly, I have no control over that.
As for picking different outfits, the idea is great and maybe it will become a thing for certain characters/events later on in the game. It sounds simple to do but it's extremely time-consuming to implement.
I am definitely enjoying this game so far, however I have encountered a bug that may make advancing sarah's storyline impossible. I'm not really sure though.
I am on Day 61, and have just finished the cake cafe/fight scene where sarah professes her love for the MC. After completing that scene and arriving back at the mansion, I cannot visit sarah anymore. If I click on the jail cell icon in the bottom, instead of taking me to her cell, it brings me to the PC in the MC's room. I have tried it several times and cannot visit sarah again.
I am running the windows version. I figured I'd let you know to see if this is a common issue or not.
Hi there. I was aware of that bug and it's fixed in my current build but not yet uploaded. I will do that soon-ish as it contains a bunch of other fixes as well.
The good news is that it's not game-breaking. If you finish a bunch of other quests Sarah will be there and you can continue her quests normally.
Buy the cake/gun from the store and things should continue from there on out.
In general though: Are you stuck somewhere? Complete events with other girls first.
If you're really stuck you can always join Discord and drop a save file and we'll get you sorted since it's hard to tell what to do without knowing where you are in the questline.
this is an AMAZING game, honestly i put my blood, sweat and tears into playing this game instead of taking care of my physical needs. that's how good this game is. this game alone can help you defeat you strongest demons and will DEFINITELY help you bust a fat nut once in a while. thank you very much jamleng games for this brilliant masterpiece of a game.
I think there are a bunch of others out there but in general NTR stuff is very controversial so devs stay far away from it.
In Lewd Town Adventures it's fully optional and available on the dark paths while the good paths are fully harem-based.
We're working hard to make the game as awesome as possible although it will be very much an adult game with all the subjects that belong into that category.
Yeah, you are doing a great job, and I'm aware that is a super controversial genre, guess I'm just a weirdo. Anyways, keep doing what you're doing, the game's turning out amazingly.
On PC/Mac you can continue where you left off while on android you can update the game version automatically but if that isn't the case you can make a backup of your save files.
They can be found here: Android: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}*.program/files/saves Alternatively, you can use the file manager to find the correct save map where the Renpy save files belong.
Another easy way is just to ask on discord for a save file, I or someone else can always send you one if you've lost your progress.
Hiya, EroLover. Never really thought about doing that but I might do so in the future. In the meantime you can always contact me through Discord and I'll help you out. Cheers.
I have completed every quest up untill meeting the boss. Stacy has to complete mia mia is waiting on the boss. Rose is waiting on stella, stella is waiting on stacy
He shows up after day 68 as long as most characters in the journal state "Wait for the boss". You need to have unlocked the laboratory for the boss to show up.
Are you stuck somewhere? Visit a bunch of other girls.
I have almost all the characters saying to wait for the boss except the following: Rose (meet in room after stacy) Nani (this is it for this version) Mother teresa (meet her after progressing other character storys) Stacy (unlock story after 60+ days in mansion complete mia) Eva (this is it for this version) I also have the lab unlocked. is there a specific place I must go/return to for the cut seen to trigger?
So I am currently unable to progress with anna and angelica. As a result I can't progress in elsa, lilly, sophia, luna and a few more quests, any fix? I am on version 10.32 and day 54 currently. When I go to enter the cathedral It just gives me the typical "hows it going" "donate more" and "what do you guys do here" options. I tried visiting in the morning, afternoon and evening. Any fixes?
I can guarantee one thing and that's that it's not bugged, usually, the journal tells you what to do and where to go.
In general though: Are you stuck somewhere? Visit a bunch of other girls. Another thing is that a donation of 10k is needed and Mother Teresa will show up unlocking all of those quests and if the journal tells you to visit the cathedral at night, maybe that's what's missing.
If you're really stuck you can always join Discord and drop a save file and we'll get you sorted since it's hard to tell what to do without knowing where you are in the questline.
Right off the bat, first thing I notice is the abysmal resolution and how it seems to be locked at something like 720p. I'm guessing this is to support mobile platforms better? I think adding a resolution fix for PC would be a game changer. Or maybe I'm missing something in the settings? Let me know if so.
It's 720p and is common in these types of games. I decided to go with that for multiple reasons, mostly size though. The original size of the game in its current state is already something like 12-13 gigabytes. I fully realize going 1080p would be prettier but it also comes with complications down the road.
I'm not sure how that's possible and I apologize for that. If that's the case a fresh install should do the job but before you do that, it's advisable to make a backup of your save files so you can continue where you left off.
That sounds very strange and I'm not able to replicate what you're mentioning. Please contact me through discord with a save file so I can take a closer look at it.
Is there a Walkthrough available? I really like the game so far i'm not that far yet but i would like to play on hero path because the organization has been pretty grim so far and i don't want anything to happen to the girls.
The walkthrough is kind of the journal. It's been improved for 0.10 that will come out within a few days, an android version will be included.
When I have time I might write a more detailed walkthrough but it's kind of on the backburner since there are loads of other things that take priority.
Man, I can't believe I actually got through damn near all the content (at least on the preggo path, that is). Thank god the update is right around the corner.
In terms of both quality and quality, this is pretty high up there on my list. Still, always ways to keep improving, which I certainly expect this next update to do. I'd vocalize my recommendations, but that can wait till I see what you've got planned.
Thank you very much! We're doing our best and we'll absolutely improve the game in any way we can because this game deserves that. The new update has quite a few improvements, a bunch of remade/enhanced scenes and lots of new content.
I believe everything together for the coming single 0.10 update is over 4000 images/animations of which about 1000 are remakes, loads of coding done to improve the player experience and every single bug got fixed + lots of more stuff that I will put in the patch notes when I update the game here on March 31.
I hope everyone will enjoy it and we're always happy to hear what you guys think since we absolutely listen to feedback.
I finally finished the update. And... DAMN.🤩 I loved it! All of it! The wait was well worth it. This is now officially one of my most favorable games, and the story just DOESN'T disappoint! The insanity, the lewdness, the darkness, the frankly spectacular graphic (Violence/childbirth) scenes, I would literally start this game all over again just to go through it again. It's that amazing! This is one of those games that not only give you a thrilling story, but also honestly teach you alot about yourself and what you like and can tolerate. As a humble fan, I kindly ask that you please keep it up! 😁 I really can't (but can) wait to see what's coming up next. 😎👌🏾
Also a small request, could you add more wetting/watersports scenes like those moments from Luna or Elsa or Emily? Those for me are the cherry on top 🍒😎
Either complete a bunch of other quests or visit Emily in her room and talk to her. The new update will be out in less than 2 weeks with lots of new cool stuff and QOL changes including the issue you're having now.
... I'm sorry you have to deal with shitbags... (For reference, go through the pc vids after the tutorial.) Thank you for options. Thank you for the PURE FANTASY situations you have created. I mean Hell, you literally give people an option to opt out and give PLENTY of warnings about darker themes. People are stupid, but there are those of us who do appreciate you for even giving us the option. Thank you and I hope you are well. I was initially concerned with the Ugly Bastard intro, but after the tutorial realized how much more than that it is. It is dark, twisted, and ultimately awful. To me, this is definitely a positive, as you are the author. I mean it definitely has some shining points in reference to YOUR CHOICES. This is not a game for the faint of heart of the ones who want a simple, hand holding adventure. I enjoy previewing the darker notes of my brain, so again, I will just say thank you and if you are not okay with this, feel free to step out. There are thousands of happy go lucky feel good H games you can enjoy.
We think alike. I usually check the description of a game and the expected content ... as such: "Romance" - pass, next game. "School setting, romance" - pass, next game. "Harem" (oh that might be something), "Romance" - damn, pass again.
Then came "Lewd Town Adventures" with a twisted dark path option and contained all sorts of kinks (and also a choice to avoid them). A game like no other ... I discovered it when it was v0.6 and can't get enough of it.
Did i mentioned that it has also "Humor" in it and "Chad" ... he's real Bro.
i don't if this will be of a use to you. but you should have 3-4x free size of the game to download it. in Android i mean. if you still can't play in Android i recommend you do download the PC version in your android phone and use the app (Zarchiver) to install the pc version inyour mobile. and by using the (joiplay) app you can click in ( + ) to add the game by finding the game file and choose it(the third choice) and if the game was supported in joiplay then you can play the game. you can't know if the game is supported or not until you download the game. it will tell you the game is supported or not to run. well good luck then...
I Have a ton of quests that either need me to go to the bar or the store but I can never get entry, are they able to be accessed in the game yet or is that planned for a later update?
Frequently crashes on the android version I just got to the main game because of the crashes during the prolouge and the game still crashes during the main game pls fix this I really wanna play the game but it just won't stop crashing despite me being on a TM-1500 Samsung galaxy tab A tablet
Hi there, Shiro. It's one of the few times I've heard of someone having problems with the Android version of the game. I always test stuff on emulators and on my own phone before I release the game and that always works properly. The only thing I can recommend is some general troubleshooting like updating drivers, deleting/reinstalling the game.
The sad truth is that Android is a genuine pain to properly test against; there are a LOT of devices, capabilities are really widely split, and getting feedback on why it's breaking is a challenge.
Storage capacity available as well as ram affect it a lot. I had similar problems with quite a few games on my old phone but have never had one on the new one. I'd recommend 3gb ram or more with 5% storage capacity free or more. You also cannot install an app depending on the free space you have and this amount differs for different storage capacities.
Hello, I'm a player from Indonesia, I can't speak English but I understand what is meant in English
First, I want to ask how to trigger the boss event. I have completed the mission, all except Nina, I am stuck there and I am now on day 115, did I miss anything?
The Boss shows up automatically by sleeping in MC's room after day 68 as long as you've completed most of Stacy's quests and after unlocking the laboratory. If you're stuck somewhere the easiest way to get help is through the discord channel.
Those maps are public and available for everyone. Having said that, currently, we're doing way more custom stuff. At some point will redo that whole scene as well as it can be improved.
Now I'm up to date with most of the content and oh boy it's a fantastic game! I hope the next update is close, I can't wait to see what comes next. Are there scenes with EmilyXRose threesome action? Or MotherXAunt threesome? Maybe LillyXSophia? EmilyXSophia would be hot too.
Cheers for the kind words! The next update is ready for early release in less than 2 weeks, it's the largest one yet. It also contains a bunch of threesomes and loads of other stuff. I'll make a post about it next weeki or so.
Jamleng, I have two questions for you, the first is a suggestion for the promotion of your game, why don't you add Lewd Town Adventures on Google Play Store only with Censorship, and the uncensored version players download here, that it would be really good for your game, and the second question is is the game going to be on steam?
well finally thought id give this game a go. all and all it was pretty ok. i found the sex scenes to be pretty entertaining and the story was not to bad either.
spoilers below so read at own risk
--------------------------Things i liked------------------------------------------
I like that there is Hero/Dark paths available and they are labeled as such
I like that there is various women to be had with various body types
I like that there is lots of different locations to visit.
I like that the choices you make can affect how the womens dialogue changes.
I like the ingame guide/hints thingy as it tells you where to go to get more events
---------------------Things i didnt like----------------------------------------
The Kitchen in the House we buy from the Mayor, OMG to much red and the green bowls hurt the eyes
I didnt like how interconnected everybody is, i found it to be annoying that in order to progress Girl A to path Y, Girl S had to be at stage U and Girl O had to be at stage J. felt like that really killed the flow of the story to have to suddenly start progressing a completely different girl, just so i could go back and finish the one i was working on.
===== On that note i had a weird issue happen with Emily/Sophie/Lilly some how i had managed to very early in the game rescue Sophie from her father and was rewarded with sex from Lilly before i had ever been in her house or knew who in the fuck she even was, i must admit that through me for a loop and a half.
I didnt like any of the choices from Nani story. Resetting her seemed risky, i sure as hell wasnt going to give her to that Dr Emma, so i was forced to sell one of my toys >=(. I wasnt horribly attached to her emotionally, i just dont like sharing my toys even if they are broken. Im hoping at some point we can buy her back as a nanny for all the babies we are going to be having.
I didnt like that there wasnt many options to move time forward on the map screen or really in general, we need to be able to skip ahead
yes i know its nitpicky, but there was a sex scene with Lisa (The Nurse) where she is on top and she's going up so high our pecker keeps going out of her vajayjay graphically that just looks weird, unless your setting us up from some queefing fetish type stuff later in the game, might wanna look into fixing that, but hey im not here to judge some guys are into the whole pussy farting thing.
so with all that said i guess thats it for now, Thank you for putting this game out here for free, so that us poorer bastards of the internet can still have some fun. i hope you found my comments to be constructive and not insulting.
Thank you for taking the time to write a bit about the game. All good, coming update quite a bit of stuff will be improved including some of the things you mentioned. Skipping time is done by either working or sleeping, a fast forward button or something could be a thing in the future but I feel that it's not needed as there currently are over 250+ events in the game split by 90 days which averages around 2.7 events being available every single day and that excludes a lot of extra stuff.
As for Nani, she has three different endings of which one is funny, one she will return to where you met her(good ending), and the third one being a bit darker.
In any case, we're working very hard to make the game as good as possible. Things basically get better with every new update that comes out. In about 10 days I'll post an extended dev log with the coming changes/ideas behind them from my point of view because a pretty damn big Lewd Town Adventures 0.10 update is almost done.
Normally you'll receive a phonecall around day 50 but you're missing a bunch of triggers for it to happen. Try completing some of the other quests in the journal and that phonecall will happen.
On that note, the coming update will make the journal a lot clearer and make certain quests easier to trigger.
← Return to game
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Hey im on day 42 and ive lost all my gallery and videos and im playing on android but great game really loving it would be good if you but new clothes for them to wear all so
Losing gallery progress has to do with losing a specific save file.
Sadly, I have no control over that.
As for picking different outfits, the idea is great and maybe it will become a thing for certain characters/events later on in the game. It sounds simple to do but it's extremely time-consuming to implement.
I think u overwrite your save file
I am definitely enjoying this game so far, however I have encountered a bug that may make advancing sarah's storyline impossible. I'm not really sure though.
I am on Day 61, and have just finished the cake cafe/fight scene where sarah professes her love for the MC. After completing that scene and arriving back at the mansion, I cannot visit sarah anymore. If I click on the jail cell icon in the bottom, instead of taking me to her cell, it brings me to the PC in the MC's room. I have tried it several times and cannot visit sarah again.
I am running the windows version. I figured I'd let you know to see if this is a common issue or not.
Thank you
Hi there. I was aware of that bug and it's fixed in my current build but not yet uploaded. I will do that soon-ish as it contains a bunch of other fixes as well.
The good news is that it's not game-breaking. If you finish a bunch of other quests Sarah will be there and you can continue her quests normally.
Cheers for the report and have a nice day.
Edit: Fixed and uploaded.
how did u get the cake to sarah im stuck
Buy the cake/gun from the store and things should continue from there on out.
In general though: Are you stuck somewhere? Complete events with other girls first.
If you're really stuck you can always join Discord and drop a save file and we'll get you sorted since it's hard to tell what to do without knowing where you are in the questline.
this is an AMAZING game, honestly i put my blood, sweat and tears into playing this game instead of taking care of my physical needs. that's how good this game is. this game alone can help you defeat you strongest demons and will DEFINITELY help you bust a fat nut once in a while. thank you very much jamleng games for this brilliant masterpiece of a game.
Thank you very much for the kind words/compliment!
Are the cheats still active like "greedisgood"?
They are, but cheats are not really needed in the game since everything comes natural.
It says "greedisgood" is wrong owo
That's because it's missing a capital letter. - "Greedisgood"
Man, I need more games with NTR routes.
I think there are a bunch of others out there but in general NTR stuff is very controversial so devs stay far away from it.
In Lewd Town Adventures it's fully optional and available on the dark paths while the good paths are fully harem-based.
We're working hard to make the game as awesome as possible although it will be very much an adult game with all the subjects that belong into that category.
Yeah, you are doing a great job, and I'm aware that is a super controversial genre, guess I'm just a weirdo. Anyways, keep doing what you're doing, the game's turning out amazingly.
how do i continue with the new update without losing save files?
On PC/Mac you can continue where you left off while on android you can update the game version automatically but if that isn't the case you can make a backup of your save files.
They can be found here: Android: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}*.program/files/saves Alternatively, you can use the file manager to find the correct save map where the Renpy save files belong.
Another easy way is just to ask on discord for a save file, I or someone else can always send you one if you've lost your progress.
Have a nice day.
Can you put the version with the extra scenes on itch?
Can't buy it on subscribestar , no creditcard.
Hiya, EroLover. Never really thought about doing that but I might do so in the future. In the meantime you can always contact me through Discord and I'll help you out. Cheers.
Please make this game into a movie. Im so touched by all the stories and other stuff.
Elsa wincest content waiting room
Okay so I am stuck again lol.
I have completed every quest up untill meeting the boss. Stacy has to complete mia mia is waiting on the boss. Rose is waiting on stella, stella is waiting on stacy
How do I activate the boss meeting?
I figured it out thanks for the help.
He shows up after day 68 as long as most characters in the journal state "Wait for the boss".
You need to have unlocked the laboratory for the boss to show up.
Are you stuck somewhere? Visit a bunch of other girls.
I have almost all the characters saying to wait for the boss except the following:
Rose (meet in room after stacy)
Nani (this is it for this version)
Mother teresa (meet her after progressing other character storys)
Stacy (unlock story after 60+ days in mansion complete mia)
Eva (this is it for this version)
I also have the lab unlocked. is there a specific place I must go/return to for the cut seen to trigger?
So I am currently unable to progress with anna and angelica. As a result I can't progress in elsa, lilly, sophia, luna and a few more quests, any fix? I am on version 10.32 and day 54 currently. When I go to enter the cathedral It just gives me the typical "hows it going" "donate more" and "what do you guys do here" options. I tried visiting in the morning, afternoon and evening. Any fixes?
Edit: I figured it out everyone thanks anyway!
I can guarantee one thing and that's that it's not bugged, usually, the journal tells you what to do and where to go.
In general though:
Are you stuck somewhere? Visit a bunch of other girls.
Another thing is that a donation of 10k is needed and Mother Teresa will show up unlocking all of those quests and if the journal tells you to visit the cathedral at night, maybe that's what's missing.
If you're really stuck you can always join Discord and drop a save file and we'll get you sorted since it's hard to tell what to do without knowing where you are in the questline.
Right off the bat, first thing I notice is the abysmal resolution and how it seems to be locked at something like 720p. I'm guessing this is to support mobile platforms better? I think adding a resolution fix for PC would be a game changer. Or maybe I'm missing something in the settings? Let me know if so.
It's 720p and is common in these types of games. I decided to go with that for multiple reasons, mostly size though. The original size of the game in its current state is already something like 12-13 gigabytes. I fully realize going 1080p would be prettier but it also comes with complications down the road.
Tried to update from ver. 0.9.1 to 0.10 on my andriod, but it comes up with an error saying "app not installed as package appears to be invalid"
Any ideas?
I'm not sure how that's possible and I apologize for that.
If that's the case a fresh install should do the job but before you do that, it's advisable to make a backup of your save files so you can continue where you left off.
how do i get to elsas place? no option for it at the beach.
I can't install the latest version of the game why
0.10 has been heavily tested by quite a few people so I'm not sure what's going on there. What system are we talking about?
I have a huawei p30 pro but now have it via https://subscribestar.adult/lewd-town-adventures Downloaded it and it worked
why does sarah's room when clicked leads to computer function, what this a bug?
That sounds very strange and I'm not able to replicate what you're mentioning.
Please contact me through discord with a save file so I can take a closer look at it.
The wait is over!!!!! Thank you for creating such a great game! Look forward to the next update. 🔥
Honestly can't wait for the mobile version to come out. I've been waiting for a while :0
Is there a Walkthrough available? I really like the game so far i'm not that far yet but i would like to play on hero path because the organization has been pretty grim so far and i don't want anything to happen to the girls.
The walkthrough is kind of the journal. It's been improved for 0.10 that will come out within a few days, an android version will be included.
When I have time I might write a more detailed walkthrough but it's kind of on the backburner since there are loads of other things that take priority.
Man, I can't believe I actually got through damn near all the content (at least on the preggo path, that is). Thank god the update is right around the corner.
In terms of both quality and quality, this is pretty high up there on my list. Still, always ways to keep improving, which I certainly expect this next update to do. I'd vocalize my recommendations, but that can wait till I see what you've got planned.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Thank you very much! We're doing our best and we'll absolutely improve the game in any way we can because this game deserves that.
The new update has quite a few improvements, a bunch of remade/enhanced scenes and lots of new content.
I believe everything together for the coming single 0.10 update is over 4000 images/animations of which about 1000 are remakes, loads of coding done to improve the player experience and every single bug got fixed + lots of more stuff that I will put in the patch notes when I update the game here on March 31.
I hope everyone will enjoy it and we're always happy to hear what you guys think since we absolutely listen to feedback.
Is there an NTR in the game?
It's avoidable in "Good path". And comes with a prior warning.
It's Your choice "Good path" and vanilla scenes or "Dark Path" and heavy content.
oh,thank you for reminding me
This is, without a doubt, one of the absolute best lewd games I've ever played. I love all of it. My only complaint is that I want more!
Thank you very much for the kind words! A major update will be out in 7 days with lots of cool stuff.
YES!!!!! 😆
I finally finished the update. And... DAMN.🤩 I loved it! All of it! The wait was well worth it. This is now officially one of my most favorable games, and the story just DOESN'T disappoint! The insanity, the lewdness, the darkness, the frankly spectacular graphic (Violence/childbirth) scenes, I would literally start this game all over again just to go through it again. It's that amazing! This is one of those games that not only give you a thrilling story, but also honestly teach you alot about yourself and what you like and can tolerate. As a humble fan, I kindly ask that you please keep it up! 😁 I really can't (but can) wait to see what's coming up next. 😎👌🏾
Also a small request, could you add more wetting/watersports scenes like those moments from Luna or Elsa or Emily? Those for me are the cherry on top 🍒😎
I haven't finished yet but its nice, the only i'm uncomfrotable it's the dark company, Rose and Tanya so i hope a nice ending or at least justice
I wan't see every scene but i always go and preffer the love path or good path
Nice game and lore, well done uvu
Help pls where I can find the mask
I can't enter the city store
Either complete a bunch of other quests or visit Emily in her room and talk to her.
The new update will be out in less than 2 weeks with lots of new cool stuff and QOL changes including the issue you're having now.
I finish all pls update the game I love this game
... I'm sorry you have to deal with shitbags... (For reference, go through the pc vids after the tutorial.) Thank you for options. Thank you for the PURE FANTASY situations you have created. I mean Hell, you literally give people an option to opt out and give PLENTY of warnings about darker themes. People are stupid, but there are those of us who do appreciate you for even giving us the option. Thank you and I hope you are well. I was initially concerned with the Ugly Bastard intro, but after the tutorial realized how much more than that it is. It is dark, twisted, and ultimately awful. To me, this is definitely a positive, as you are the author. I mean it definitely has some shining points in reference to YOUR CHOICES. This is not a game for the faint of heart of the ones who want a simple, hand holding adventure. I enjoy previewing the darker notes of my brain, so again, I will just say thank you and if you are not okay with this, feel free to step out. There are thousands of happy go lucky feel good H games you can enjoy.
We think alike. I usually check the description of a game and the expected content ... as such: "Romance" - pass, next game. "School setting, romance" - pass, next game. "Harem" (oh that might be something), "Romance" - damn, pass again.
Then came "Lewd Town Adventures" with a twisted dark path option and contained all sorts of kinks (and also a choice to avoid them). A game like no other ... I discovered it when it was v0.6 and can't get enough of it.
Did i mentioned that it has also "Humor" in it and "Chad" ... he's real Bro.
Im.having issues downloading the newest Android version can any one help?
i don't if this will be of a use to you. but you should have 3-4x free size of the game to download it. in Android i mean. if you still can't play in Android i recommend you do download the PC version in your android phone and use the app (Zarchiver) to install the pc version inyour mobile. and by using the (joiplay) app you can click in ( + ) to add the game by finding the game file and choose it(the third choice) and if the game was supported in joiplay then you can play the game. you can't know if the game is supported or not until you download the game. it will tell you the game is supported or not to run. well good luck then...
I played the whole game and it is awesome, I recommend to give it a try
I use huawei y9 prime, works well, and win10 too. I love this game, I want more!
Anyone else having issues installing the apk?
There shouldn't be any problems installing it, could you please tell me what exactly happened?
I Have a ton of quests that either need me to go to the bar or the store but I can never get entry, are they able to be accessed in the game yet or is that planned for a later update?
You will be able to do those tasks this version.
You just need to complete other quests until those spots become available.
I was wondering if I could get the card for roxy/Samantha. I want to load her into koikatsu.
It's easier to contact me on Discord for questions like that.
For sarah it says
Important visit the store in the city after day 40 . it says i need a mask so how and where do i get a mask
I think the solution is to go to Emily's room and actually TALK to her by asking "How are you."
Let me know if that helps, if not we'll figure it out.
I keep getting this bug when entering her room that brings up a bunch of code,
You're playing an outdated version, that was fixed over 2 months ago.
Please redownload the game from here and it will work fine.
That visit is mandatory to unlock the bar/store.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Frequently crashes on the android version I just got to the main game because of the crashes during the prolouge and the game still crashes during the main game pls fix this I really wanna play the game but it just won't stop crashing despite me being on a TM-1500 Samsung galaxy tab A tablet
Hi there, Shiro. It's one of the few times I've heard of someone having problems with the Android version of the game. I always test stuff on emulators and on my own phone before I release the game and that always works properly. The only thing I can recommend is some general troubleshooting like updating drivers, deleting/reinstalling the game.
The sad truth is that Android is a genuine pain to properly test against; there are a LOT of devices, capabilities are really widely split, and getting feedback on why it's breaking is a challenge.
Sorry that I can not be of more help.
i try get on my android tablet keep saying cant run, will mac one work on ipad?
I know what you mean but it's ok I'm gonna try your suggestion hopefully it gets fixed
Storage capacity available as well as ram affect it a lot. I had similar problems with quite a few games on my old phone but have never had one on the new one. I'd recommend 3gb ram or more with 5% storage capacity free or more. You also cannot install an app depending on the free space you have and this amount differs for different storage capacities.
Hello, I'm a player from Indonesia, I can't speak English but I understand what is meant in English
First, I want to ask how to trigger the boss event. I have completed the mission, all except Nina, I am stuck there and I am now on day 115, did I miss anything?
Sorry for the late response.
The Boss shows up automatically by sleeping in MC's room after day 68 as long as you've completed most of Stacy's quests and after unlocking the laboratory. If you're stuck somewhere the easiest way to get help is through the discord channel.
Have a nice day!
Hahahah Pamela's Restaurant is really giving me the vibes from MC Simulator.... Ngl.
Not like I'm saying it bad but thought Maybe the owner of MC Simulator should know this abit?
Those maps are public and available for everyone. Having said that, currently, we're doing way more custom stuff. At some point will redo that whole scene as well as it can be improved.
Now I'm up to date with most of the content and oh boy it's a fantastic game!
I hope the next update is close, I can't wait to see what comes next.
Are there scenes with EmilyXRose threesome action? Or MotherXAunt threesome? Maybe LillyXSophia? EmilyXSophia would be hot too.
So many possibilities .
Cheers for the kind words! The next update is ready for early release in less than 2 weeks, it's the largest one yet. It also contains a bunch of threesomes and loads of other stuff. I'll make a post about it next weeki or so.
Thanks for your reply and the hard work.
I'm hyped for the update!
Jamleng, I have two questions for you, the first is a suggestion for the promotion of your game, why don't you add Lewd Town Adventures on Google Play Store only with Censorship, and the uncensored version players download here, that it would be really good for your game, and the second question is is the game going to be on steam?
Google Play Store will not add such a game until developer will completely remove All sex and sex-related scenes.
Yep.... If the Dev would make the game just a NORMAL DATING SIM Game then Probably Google Play Store would be Formally Add it to the Editor's Choice
well finally thought id give this game a go. all and all it was pretty ok. i found the sex scenes to be pretty entertaining and the story was not to bad either.
spoilers below so read at own risk
--------------------------Things i liked------------------------------------------
I like that there is Hero/Dark paths available and they are labeled as such
I like that there is various women to be had with various body types
I like that there is lots of different locations to visit.
I like that the choices you make can affect how the womens dialogue changes.
I like the ingame guide/hints thingy as it tells you where to go to get more events
---------------------Things i didnt like----------------------------------------
The Kitchen in the House we buy from the Mayor, OMG to much red and the green bowls hurt the eyes
I didnt like how interconnected everybody is, i found it to be annoying that in order to progress Girl A to path Y, Girl S had to be at stage U and Girl O had to be at stage J. felt like that really killed the flow of the story to have to suddenly start progressing a completely different girl, just so i could go back and finish the one i was working on.
===== On that note i had a weird issue happen with Emily/Sophie/Lilly some how i had managed to very early in the game rescue Sophie from her father and was rewarded with sex from Lilly before i had ever been in her house or knew who in the fuck she even was, i must admit that through me for a loop and a half.
I didnt like any of the choices from Nani story. Resetting her seemed risky, i sure as hell wasnt going to give her to that Dr Emma, so i was forced to sell one of my toys >=(. I wasnt horribly attached to her emotionally, i just dont like sharing my toys even if they are broken. Im hoping at some point we can buy her back as a nanny for all the babies we are going to be having.
I didnt like that there wasnt many options to move time forward on the map screen or really in general, we need to be able to skip ahead
yes i know its nitpicky, but there was a sex scene with Lisa (The Nurse) where she is on top and she's going up so high our pecker keeps going out of her vajayjay graphically that just looks weird, unless your setting us up from some queefing fetish type stuff later in the game, might wanna look into fixing that, but hey im not here to judge some guys are into the whole pussy farting thing.
so with all that said i guess thats it for now, Thank you for putting this game out here for free, so that us poorer bastards of the internet can still have some fun. i hope you found my comments to be constructive and not insulting.
Thank you for taking the time to write a bit about the game. All good, coming update quite a bit of stuff will be improved including some of the things you mentioned. Skipping time is done by either working or sleeping, a fast forward button or something could be a thing in the future but I feel that it's not needed as there currently are over 250+ events in the game split by 90 days which averages around 2.7 events being available every single day and that excludes a lot of extra stuff.
As for Nani, she has three different endings of which one is funny, one she will return to where you met her(good ending), and the third one being a bit darker.
In any case, we're working very hard to make the game as good as possible. Things basically get better with every new update that comes out.
In about 10 days I'll post an extended dev log with the coming changes/ideas behind them from my point of view because a pretty damn big Lewd Town Adventures 0.10 update is almost done.
awesome ty for your reply
what does wait for a phonecall for rose mean. I have passed like more than 100 day waiting for it. How does it work?
Normally you'll receive a phonecall around day 50 but you're missing a bunch of triggers for it to happen.
Try completing some of the other quests in the journal and that phonecall will happen.
On that note, the coming update will make the journal a lot clearer and make certain quests easier to trigger.
Thank you
I wanna ask something. Does mc face gonna stay ugly?
It doesn't. Never take anything serious in the game and you'll have fun.