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(1 edit)

will we ever be able to "shape" the girls more to our liking I'm not a particular big fan of huge breasts and hips some alt hair and make up options for some the girls would also be nice   

I doubt it. I tried to make the cast pretty diverse but making games takes A LOT of time and energy. Since the setting of this game is pretty much linked to the real world there are all shapes and sizes. If I had to add something like body modifications to 50ish characters I would probably die.


that's understandable I mostly just wanted it for the women that I find uncomfortably large like Pam Hilda and Rose I even thought it'd be cool as part of the docs story but its cool if you don't want too thanks for responding

Um.. Good games ngl, but maybe can you add the uncompreased version for android? thanks 

A very good games, tbh i've focused more ti the story than the lewd scenes, appreciate it dude

Thank you for the kind words, Jaun72.
I've tried the uncompressed android version once and that didn't work out for some reason. I'll give it another go for the next update, or at least a partially compressed one.

(3 edits) (+1)

I definitely can’t wait to see what happens with Nina with that cliffhanger, I wasn’t really into how her actual body looked a little too prepubesent tho tbh (not talking about the small breasts) so I didn’t find the sexual scenes super, attracting, I like the regression ddlg type concept tho. I got a bit attached to her slightly relatable story and cuteness and how she’s small a bit like me in real life. Definitely ready for the next update already, I’ll be waiting i guess lol. I definitely hope that we can choose a specific character to romance or like have a story with or go down there story first or whatever ect like with some characters and it was left on a cliffhanger, like Nina being possibly pregnant or how Tanya’s life is going ect.

Does this game have NTR ?

I think there is only one scene but it can be avoided.

So you just select an option to avoid it or u actually have to stick to a specific path to avoid it?

if it's more like a choice for that specific scene, you don't have to follow a specific path

aight ty man, ima try this game out

OH by the way id like to add, I’m not sure if this is just the compressed file because I’ve had many other compressed games have voices but the only thing that really works in my game so far is the music. No audio and not even one voice so far lol.

Audio applies to some sounds in the game. On top of that there's like 60+ music tracks in the game.

I wish I could add voice acting  but requires some serious money, especially with like  20k lines of dialogue involved. Sadly I don't see that happen any time soon.

(1 edit) (-2)

It is impossible for a free user to download such a large file from Mega. You get stuck in an endless "bandwidth exceeded, wait 5 more hours" loop. Might I suggest 1fichier for the high res? Or literally any other hosting service? Or even a fan supported torrent?

Splitting it into smaller parts would also work to actually let people complete a download of it


I had no idea, but you're absolutely right. Thank you for pointing that out.
There are now new links available that all work fine.

Deleted 3 years ago

So i need help for the principal quest it says she can be found after the sun has set 59 times but i cant seem to get the event to trigger. It always says "noones here try coming back another time"

Sorry for the late reply, Progress some other storylines first and she will show up. This goes for every quest that's not triggering since some are linked with each other or intertwined.


sweet no problem i got it figured out🤣 thanks tho loving the game

Can anyone tell me what's the difference between uncompressed mega version and the other one for pc????

I'm new on itch....

The difference is not that big but the uncompressed version has better quality animations/images.


Just a question, last time I tried downloading, it gave a virus warning, and I don't wanna download if it's gonna infect my computer. Seems very interesting but not worth the infection. Lmk if this has changed or not.

Seems you're the first person to complain about that which is fishy so I guess it sounds like something on your end or a false positive.

Next time add a screenshot or something because I can guarantee all the files that I upload are clean.

ive completed most of the game but seem to be stuck, i cant complete ramoray, stella, rose or sarah. the first two are locked behind arahs quest, i go and buy the cake but nothing happens when trying to talk to stella

Stacy seems to be missing on that list.

Try completing some of the other events in the quest-log.
Eventually, you'll be able to progress. Elsewise another easy way to get quick answers is by asking in the discord channel. I could even take a look at your save file to see what you're missing.

Have a nice day.


I've played many porn games in the last few weeks, but none made me feel more dirty than this one.

I guess it shows I still have humanity left inside me...

the same

Lmao felt that

This game is really good, its just that on my second save and quit, the audio just decided to stop working entirely. (linux)

That's strange. Did you try a restart? Did you try changing the settings in the menu?
How are things now?


Just finished the epilogue and came to comment that... doctor D Ramoray?I got that reference


Alright, so I'm about 6-7 hours in and I must say, the game is absolutely amazing. Playing it through from the prologue really gives you a sense of mind for how the story plays out, but let me tell you, there's one thing I'm ABSOLUTELY sure of.

We. Need. More. Nina.

After completing her story, I was expecting a little bit more, but it just cut off so abruptly! I was hoping it wouldn't end the way it did, but hey, I'll take what I got. Nonetheless, the game is amazing! Looking forward to more updates!





esta obra maestra xd

concuerdo con el hombre de cultura!


Concuerdo con los dos vatos que hablan español de arriba, pues vine buscando cobre y encontré un diamante que me hace cuestionar el horrible ser humano que soy.

(I agree with the two Spanish-speaking dudes above, as I came looking for copper and found a diamond that makes me question what a horrible human being I am.)

Yep, now I feel like a horrible person, poor green-haired girl

Any walkthrough for good ending?


It's here!! Finally! 😁

What did patreon do to you?


I wrote a long answer about this but decided not to post it, mostly to protect other game devs.
The next update will make things a bit more clear. The early release will be out next week through Subscribe Star and the public release will be 2 weeks later.

the vid file on your computer once you get to the facility explained it pretty well. I've wondered how that works since some games do the "landlady, tenant, friend" thing and others don't but both will have Patreon. but yeah that explanation was hilarious. I know it sucked for you, but hopefully you had fun with that one cus I was rolling

Patreon's a pain when it comes to supporting adult content. 

This game made me question my morals and I must say this was a masterpiece 🙌🏽

Patienly waiting for the next update... 🏃‍♂️

I agree with the gentleman above.

So currently I am at a point where Mia is at the pool and asks to meet her at her room in the evening but she's never there. Is this just not implemented yet?

Loving it so far though!


Thank you for the comment. It's not implemented yet but will be in the coming update.

Could you make the uncompressed file able to download on instead of using MEGA

In the past, I've asked the Itch team to upgrade my account to allow for more space.
They did and now I can use up to 4gig. I will kindly ask them again in the near future to upgrade it once more because I sort of need over 20 gigabytes to be able to host the uncompressed versions on this website, especially keeping the next update in mind which makes the game grow even bigger.


Well Until then ill be patient, Your doing an amazing job and hope that you keep making more content and best of luck


truly a masterpiece, love this game, some people here are saying that it's too long, but sadly I am a degenerate, and I finished it only in one day... Proud to be one, few things that I would like to point out (they cant be even considered as mistakes) Is that I have no clue if there is a gallery that saves scenes that I have unlocked, if there is one, I can't find it, and if there isn't then it would be a great addition, I also noticed that green-haired girl doesn't have entry, I would love to see more of her in the future, so I am bit scared that she isn't displayed in that girl-dex, or how to call it... besides that, I heard that it is getting an update soon, so I am looking forward to it, and hoping for more church scenes, and green-haired girl.

Hello fellow degenerate.

To answer your question yes there is a gallery, it is in the main menu and it is divided into images and scenes, although it seems to me that it is missing some scenes.

And second, wow one day I never thought anyone could accomplish such thing.


Oh, I haven't noticed, it wasn't even hidden I just missed it, thanks for the help.

I took a one-hour long break, to replenish my energy, and finished it on second go in one day, it was really cool experience, I hope that I will find similar games that I haven't played yet, cause I played so many similar games, that I can't even find any good ones anymore, this one is a rarity.

first of all this was the most face palm moment that I've seen.

And second, this has been a very good game, in fact this has been the only game at the moment that has made me feel like a horrible person and I respect him for that..

very nice content, looking forward to the next update! 

When's the release of the next update?


After working on the game for 8 months in a row for ungodly hours I took a one-month break. The new update is coming along nicely and will be the biggest one yet.

The early access release is scheduled for somewhere later in April.

Cheers, Darklord314.


Oh i see.. well, everyone needs to have a break once in a while. I'll just mark my calendars for the updates then hehe.. 

Cheers, jamleng.

How do trigger the event with rose after 65 sunrises 

The next update will make that clearer but you'll have to complete Stacy and Nani's events for it to trigger.


First of all, great game bro I like how the story is going.

And second (I'm joking in this part), I came to play a game that I would fap to not one were I depress my self thinking about the shity person I am.

(I'm not an English speaker so sorry for my bad grammar, and I know I said this already but great game keep going like this)

Would you have another download link? The mega link crashes in the middle of the process.

This is long and I hope that I can enjoy the game but it does not give a good first impression tl;dr: the prologue needs to be and definitely can be shorter

U really really REALLY need to shorten the prologue. I'm playing it for the first time and it's becoming a chore to get through but I have to if I want to know the whole story and the 30min version doesn't feel like enough. This is bad since it's the first impression and that's the most important

- so much of being told how much the MC is ugly can be removed (once the fingers are pointing at him on the park bench I was long past saying"I get it"

- since I'm never sure what to do exactly once I can start playing l, I feel like entire days could be removed with a bit more direction

It's something that should be worked on asap since it's the first impression and that can lose u lots of potential players


I'm creating a game that I think is fun. I personally like the prologue but I can understand that it's not to everyone's tastes. It's not meant to be taken too seriously.

There are certain players that might not like it but others do like the prologue. If it's not your thing there is an option to skip it entirely or even an option to skip half of it. That's already quite a consensus I've made there.

The world is pretty big and there's a quest log that tells you where to go which opens after the prologue. Not sure how far you've got into the game but I hope you enjoyed the rest of the game.

I keep getting a .bin file for Android download. Yours isnt the first fame on this site to have that issue but do you have any ideas how to get the .apk to download as and .apk?

Look forward to being able to play this!

Can't you just go to the directory the file is in, and change the .bin to .apk

The game was epic but I just feel so upset that Rose is turning into a whore and Hilda being held somewhere I hope that the find hilda fast I just want to kick the ass of that fucking organization you should add a gym so the mc can learn self defense , I hope more love fucking than ntr fucking in the next update and ass kicking I wanna see action.

Thank you for the kind words, alakasgodhentai. There will be two paths in the coming update and onwards. One where you can kick ass and chew bubblegum and be a hero which has more romance(harem path), It's coming along nicely and is almost exclusively written by the very talented and my new partner: XoMo. The other one where you will become a full on pimp which will up the level of naughtiness significantly.

I'm currently on a break after working on this game for 8 months in a row for a very unhealthy amount of hours.
However, the next update is planned for somewhere in April. Hope to see you for the next update, which will be the biggest one yet.


Really that's cool and thank you for responding btw I'm looking forward to it

is the game already 7-12 hours long or is that your plan on making the game?

The game is pretty big, I'd reckon that you can put in at least 5 hours of your time as of now. 7-12 hours is an estimate.
Try it out and let me know:) In the future, it will be a lot more since it's a project in progress.

How do I get to the cafeteria for elsas quest?

For that event to trigger, you have to complete a few other events first.
I'm guessing you're missing part of the Cathedral questline.

When something doesn't happen as the journal describes, it usually means you have to progress other events/storylines first. Feel free to join Discord where you'll get quicker answers.

I've done all I can with the other quests 

Well, something is missing there but I'm not sure what.
If you give me your save file I'll gladly have a look to see what's up.

I playing on mobile so I don't know where the save file is located

when it says cafeteria, it means the cafe building. not the school cafeteria.

It be great if there be swinging and prostitute sean and gangbang party's

Is their a way to put this game to a good ending route?

Well I like the mc he's kinda like me for being bullied by people when I was young so maybe some of you guys could help me...

There's currently a good/revenge/harem path being made where everyone, or at least almost everyone will be fine.
There is a route that will just let him join the dark side. (hardcore naughty stuff.) It's all planned for the next two updates or so.
I think both of those routes will have good or bad endings at some point but that will be a long time away from now.

There are currently 4 secret endings that won't affect the game as of yet. Two might be seen as bad, one as funny, and one as good.

Thx for the information bro


Can't wait for new update!

which character has ntr scenes?

There are two, Rose, at her training evaluation, you will have 3 choise, to see or avoid it.

The other will happend if you show the picture to her mother, she will be sharred with others mans, if you take the good path, don't show her the pic, it won't happend.

(1 edit)

There are like 30/40+ characters in the game. So there's plenty of other stuff going on. There's also a bukkake if you're into that stuff, also optional.

Many naughty scenes have very clear choices on what you want to do and can be made mild, wild, or skipped entirely.

Bukkake?? Now that makes things more interesting..and i mean very interesting. Can't wait for it man😁🤩

I think there are some state issues with the game.
Its day 69

Rose: Meet rose in her room after 65 sunrises  (ive tried at all times of day, nothing special happens)

Principal: Mia can be found in the classroom after the sun has set 59 times (all school locations are empty of anyone at all times of day, except the rng bathroom peeping, also the cafeteria has a lock on it, i cant go there)

Teresa: You'll briefly meet her again by completing other story lines

Dr. R: You'll meet her often. After day 50 talk to Stella. If nothing happens, progress other character storylines

Stella: talk to stella after day 50. if she is not there, complete other questlines first

Stacy: Meet her after day 60 in the mansion (cant seem to find her in any room at any time of day)

Sarah: Complete Elsa's and Emily's storyline and the store in the city will open

Elsa: Try the cafeteria after day 44 (can't, its locked)

every other girl says this is it for this version. I seem to be unable to progress any further.

Hi there, how are things now? All those quests work guaranteed,
I'm guessing you are missing certain triggers, probably the cafeteria event or visiting the store.

If you want me to figure it out, you'll have to pass me your save file through discord and I'll gladly take a look.


When it said "try the cafeteria after day 44" i assumed it was the locked cafeteria inside the school, i had forgotten about the cafe building that was separate, everything is indeed working now.

Question how do I leave the house go to place I think I'm confused story line

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