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Hm, Dark Path, and scratching my head a bit... Spoiler Alert: So, have Stacy locked up, and she's about ready to rip the MC's dick off and stuff it in his left ear. I went to her cell, and she's all for doing everything that she's told. Did I miss something?


just finished both the good and dark path is a great game might try to get a few more endings and was wondering if the dark path has an ending where you dont go completely unhinged and heartless I completely understand if not and it was a great game either way / can you kill the boss on a good path

again cant stress enough great game that was actually funny when it tried to be which is rare for this type of thing


QG, funny is as funny does, and they does funny. Semi-spoiler alert; When you meet Mitty, you know you want to push that button. ;)


i need that poster of gamer at work irl.


GG, I second that. I would add My personal rule about FPS's, though; Waypoint=What do you want on your Tombstone? That, and Save early, save often, and keep reloading! :D


Merry Mother of cringe


finished the game and it was dope. i wished i could done more with more of the girls on the good path (not into that super dark shit so idk what that path got) but i understand how long its been and how much you'd have to do so thank you for all this effort over the years and i cant wait for the next one

Josh, it's a bit messier, but there looks to be some additional content that doesn't have a counterpart in the Good Path. Semi-spoiler Alert: I'm not terribly happy about the turn it took with Sarah. I do, however like the new outfits Hilda has. The white pj's look perfect on her.

Is that spoiler in Good or Dark?

TheB, Whoopsie... Dark Path. And it looks like I'm running into stuff now that was updated since I started playing last year.


Loved the ending. Definitely glad y'all cut back on the culture war references after part one cause those were just as obnoxious as when the other side brute forces their gripes into media. 

I enjoyed the game, but unistalled it, the downloaded te newest version, and tried to install it. It keeps telling me I didn't install. Tried restarting my device with no success. Tried another device with the same results. There is more then enough memory available. Any suggestions?

Unfortunately not since the game is optimized for PC. Android is something I don't have much control over since it's Renpy that builds that version. It works good for the majority of phones but sadly not all of them and I'm not sure why that is. Possibly it's due to file size and with the amount of animations probably overloading the active memory storage (RAM).

There's been a modder that got the Android version down to 1.5GB,  possibly that version may work.


Well, Dark Path this time, and the sun is about to rise on the "Dreaded Day 68." (TM Jamleng Games. All rights reserved.) :D


what a story, what a ride 4 years in the books and a new project coming soon I can't wait for the future project 

Ive progressed every girl to 120 for chapter 3 other then luna shes stuck for some reason and i can progress her

Feel free to send me your save file and I'll have a look at what's going on.

I found it do i send it to you on a dm on discord?

Solved. Cheers.

Deleted 152 days ago
(1 edit)

Don't back down from the day 141 event as it's required to play said events that are currently not happening for you. It's not the finale so don't worry about completing it.

I had already changed the days of Tanya/Chloe's tasks for the upcoming patch.


*Ears perk up* Update? :D Will still wants to marry Tanya, BTW.

My bad, should have called it a patch. Just some small inconsistency/bug fixes.

Would love to include more but currently occupied with other things.

No worries, JG. I kinda figured that, but we can always hope. ;) If you want/need any input/play testing on the new project, let me know. As I have said before, I have done some work on another H-game (I would be happy to send you some examples) , and have been playing and running conventional RPG's for quite a long time.

(1 edit) (+1)

Bah, accidentally deleted the GP post. For anyone following along it was about the day 137+ Tanya training room, and 139+ Breeding Lab events on the good path. They actually come after the day 141 event.

Thanks @Jamleng Games. I ended up reading the script file and discovered this too. I remember a couple other events that were allowed to run out of order and played weird because of it; top of mind when saving Elsa from the bullies I pulled a gun, but at the time I didn't have one; it was probably meant to be blocked by getting the second gun. That was on 1.0.0 so you may have fixed it since.

(1 edit)

So I am playing from an older save from the last update, from the choice your father asks you to make and have decided to give the dark route a go. I have an issue after erm the stuff with Alex, where a lot of the scenes for Sophia aren't right for obvious reasons. Is something bugged and is there an easy fix or is it an oversight or something I have done due to using a save file from the last update?


Older saves from v0.13 and below may cause that issue. Unfortunately the only way to solve that is to do a fresh restart. Alternatively more recent save files can be downloaded from the Discord channel saving you quite some time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So small question. I beat the good path and got to the final ending. Is there no Felicia or Natalie scenes in the good path? Or did i miss something? there also wasn't much with Stella or Stacy which I was surprised about? Did I miss anything or do they just not have much going on in the good path?


A few characters have less content than we wanted to have. For more information read the latest post:

We've learned a lot from both good and bad and we'll do better.



I wasn't criticizing you! This game is already amazing as is. I was just making sure I didn't do anything wrong!

Seriously keep up the good work!

Deleted 161 days ago

BD7, I might as well ask you since I'm here. I know what NSFW is, but what the heck is NTR? And if you're just starting out in LTA, hold on tight, it's going to be a wild ride. :)

Netorare. Another dude fks your girl, basically your a cuck.

All righty, then. In other words, he's a prime candidate for running up the nearest flagpole by his left nut.

(1 edit) (+1)

Shelly looks so sad in that picture. Must rescue her, add to harem...


Where to find rose?

After Day 13 starts, look through every room in the mansion.

   I do have to wonder what comes after the epilogue. Does Alex of the FIB team up with the agents of Interpool to go after the other nests of the Organization around the world? Just a thought. ;)   Speaking of which, was Madame du Barry's ending supposed to be empty? There wasn't anything there.

Maybe that question will be answered in the future. Also, in v1.0 there was a bug that did not show Madame du Barry's ending. In v1.0.2 it should work fine since it's not possible to miss her final event.

All righty, thanks. I'll rerun the epilogue, and see if it shows up now. BTW, Nurse Lisa=Yikes...


   So, My whoopsie here, it seems. I just went straight for the ending last time around. On going back to my save point there, I dropped by the office this time. What the MC does there affects the prologues big time. So my advice to the other players is to spend a few days game time if you have to, and run through everything there first. The first one to drop by was Ramorray... Not saying a word, other than it seems when given the right stimuli, she CAN feel emotions. ;) 

Also, there's another hiccup that I noticed. It was with Mia's epilogue. It ran twice, back-to-back, but different versions. The first indicated a rugrat, the second did not.

(1 edit)

Bruh why did you delete my last comment? Is that confirmation that the we just do get cucked story wise? That there's nothing else I could have done and there's no real conclusion on the good path? Like wtf? I was trying to get answers to see if it would even be worth continuing the game, and you just deleted the comment. If you say it's because spoilers, I gave a warning and put the spoiler far enough down that people would have to deliberately click 'view rest' to see it.

I answered your question and had it up for a bit, later on I removed it since it contained a massive spoiler, warning or not.

Anyway, no, MC does not get cucked story wise, in fact it's the opposite on the Good Path that you are playing though it's a lot less violent than the other options.  I think you missed something as the game has basically 3 paths and with different outcomes including a massive conclusion.
Since you are very close to said conclusion go and check it out and see for yourself.

oh my b, I never got a notification for a response on it so I thought you just straight up deleted it

So, I'm on day 123 rn and the only journal entry behind for me is Luna's, her's says to visit the training room after day 109 which I have been doing every time block since that day before going on to other girls. I've talked to her in the training room and done both mild and wild vers of her scene in the training room so I don't know what I'm missing

Hmm, are you sure you're not missing another task? Feel free to send me your save file and I'll have a look.

Yeah, I checked the journal again and all girls except for Luna are at 120+ days. Where can I send you the save file?

Discord please.

Im having this same issue im on day 119 and cant progress luna

A bit of the old "What goes on here", eh wot? These don't seem to make any sense.

They do as they are requirements to continue said story. It's simply there to make the game journal flow better. That Emily task for instance involves both Hilda and Emily so it's not necessarily incorrect.

I tried adding two other pics, but I don't know where they went, so here goes trying again:

They just seem puzzling.

That's correct as it's there to make the journal flow better and to make it less confusing. After said task is completed it will change to their corresponding quest.

Why don't I see emily in lily's house after day 27+? im on day 38 and i still havent seen her. Is there a specific time i must go to check up on her?

If certain tasks are not happening, check the journal and complete tasks starting at the lowest day available.


is it just me or do i don't see much of petunia and ramoray scene.. wonder if i mess up somewhere

Buenas soy el que tenía el problema del prohibido,ya lo solucione gracias.

Me preguntaba si tenías pensado meterle idiomas como el español

(1 edit)

El guión contiene más de 3 millones de palabras de diálogo. El juego también tiene imágenes de texto escrito para leer. Esto incluye terminología de jerga y "discurso de borracho" de varios personajes. También hay cambios de acento y dialecto regional explicados, lo que puede causar problemas con las traducciones.

Traducir todo el juego llevaría mucho tiempo. Las traducciones automáticas serían inexactas y confusas en muchas de las escenas. El inglés en pantalla también necesitaría imágenes de reemplazo con texto traducido.

Hemos terminado de trabajar en Lewd Town Adventures. Traducir el juego a otros idiomas no es algo que podamos hacer nosotros mismos. Sin embargo, si a alguien le encanta el juego y está lo suficientemente decidido, podría ser posible.

The script contains more than 3 million words of dialogue. The game also has images of written text to be read. This includes slang terminology and "drunk speech" by several characters. There are also regional dialect and language accent changes spelled out, which can cause problems with translations.

Translating the entire game would take a very long time. Machine translations would be inaccurate and confusing in many of the scenes. The on-screen English would also need replacement images with translated text.

We are done working on Lewd Town Adventures. Translating the game into other languages is not something we are able to do ourselves. However, if anyone loves the game and is determined enough, it could be possible.


Wait so we never got a sex scene with Ramoray?!

(1 edit)

There is though it depends on the choices you made.


can you do more game like this but with more big boobs woman like pamela


We're working on a new game but it will be quite different. More information TBA.


Does this game has Futa on Male content? Or what content is with futa.


There is none though I'm sure there are other games that specialize in that.

Hi, in the replays I can only see the one scene with mayor petunia. I could have sworn there more and would like to replay them. Any help?


Unfortunately smaller naughty scenes are not listed in the gallery.


so i just finished the game, and might i say the game is absolutely fantastic.
it goes without saying that an immaculate amount of work went into its making, but still beating the game again and again to get to see those 180+ endings is quite the task.
so could yall add a gallery unlock function after beating the game?
it would be much appreciated


Thank you! Maybe we'll do something like that in the future, in the meantime its advised to save at key points in the game which should make it less of a hassle.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 287, in script


ScriptError: could not find label 'start'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 274, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 660, in main


  File "renpy/", line 146, in run


  File "renpy/", line 938, in run_context

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 287, in script


  File "renpy/", line 927, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'start'.

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64


Sat Sep 21 11:07:54 2024  

how can i fix this 

(1 edit)

Redownload/reinstall the game, seems some part of the script is missing which is not possible.

thanks i played it and have so much fun . 

What is the cheat code?


Taboo toggle on-off:
- makes at least 4 people relatives.
- no love interests are relatives.

Money: Greedisgood - $10k cash (no need to grind cash though.)

Enter these in the MC Computer after Day 12 by clicking the "Cheats" yellow Guy Fawkes icon.

ALL codes are Case senSitivE so make sure to capitalize as shown.
For any others, you need to be a subscriber here:

help me


Probably has to do with your phone security, need to make it so it will accept APK files from "unknown" sources.


Its been a while since i played this game. So the game is now finished. Man time sure flies. Hope my 2 year old save file still works 😅😅

TH, I'm sure that it still works, but there are updates and patches added above that have expanded everything. Grab 'em, and have fun. :)

The game is great, but when I try to go to the breeding lab it crashes. Is there any way to fix it?```

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (laboratory.rpy, line 92)

It's been fixed a couple of days ago. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Update the game to V1.0.2 and it's solved.


The introduction of this game is an absolute masterpiece, never feel otherwise devs. The initial look of the MC makes him iconic and sells his situation so well, when he starts running and the music kicks in, chef's kiss. 


Definitely one of the most memorable and interesting prologue's! I'm glad the Dev's didn't remove it.


Just finished the good path (still need to do dark and NTR paths). You guy's truly did something incredible, I've already said this but, congratulations on completing this project and thank you for making one of the best fap😜 games of all time. Good luck (again) with whatever you're doing next!

When you get the chance to choose the impregnation path with Emily in chapter 1, do you get any chances to change that choice?

And is there any way to avoid Nina's path altogether? I just feel like she's an unnecessary character and everything with her is so forced (even pregnancy). Seriously, did I have any choices with her?

Half of the characters are "Neutral" and Nina is one of those thus there are no alternative choices for her. Emily gets pregnant either way. Dark Path has way less pregnancy if you're not into that in comparison to the Good Path.


Amazing game!!!!

(Change the game Status to "Released")


Thank you and I've just changed the game status as well.

Love the update so far but day 139 breeding labs getting some exception syntax error this is a continued save so if recommend to just start anew that is fine 

(1 edit)

well I tried completing everything up until day 145 for the new mansion part it mentions but ramoray and grace are stuck on breeding labs 139+ so I cannot finish the game unfortunately and I feel I am missing nothing 

edit: I do have 1.0.1 installed with this save


Sorry, my bad. Just hotfixed it in v1.0.2. My apologies!.

I had this issue too, thanks so much for such a fast fix!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you jameleng games going to download updated version hopefully this solves all those problems with android 11 but somehow if it still does the same thing I will try getting android 14 this black Friday because this game is awesome but I guarantee and here hoping it will work this time around I will give you feedback downloading updated version now


Have to download it one more time, it's now updated to 1.0.2. Hopefully it works for you now so you don't have to buy a new phone just for the game.

I apologize for the inconvenience.


thank you jameleng games you are super awesome I was wondering why 1.01 version didn't work testing out 1.0.2 version and hopefully it works will give you feedback on update you are super awesome 😎 🥰♥️♥️♥️😍

😢 sadly it still does the same thing i think it takes an older version of renpy version to work gotta wait for black Friday and Hope I find a good deal on a good android tablet again

(1 edit) (+1)

Chewing my way through the Good Ending epilogue now (sniffle)... I wanted to marry Tanya. Even with the harem, the MC should have at least one actual wife. Mother Theresa, are you busy...? :D Think about THAT wedding party. It would be huge. ;)


Holy moly, I'm so happy to see this project being completed, I played this game years ago, congratulations to the developers, times have been difficult, but I believe we will all find these brief moments of joy, thanks for the game


while updating it says app conflicts what to do I don't want to do everything again

(9 edits) (+2)


1. Find the Save files here: SD:/Android/data/

2. Copy and Paste the files (including the persistent file) to a new location - NOT within the SD:/Android/data/  folder.

 - You may have to use a third-party file manager app that UNHIDES system files.

3. UNINSTALL the existing APK Lewd Town Adventures game app.

4. Restart your device to clear any residual cache.

5. INSTALL the new APK.

6. Copy and Paste those Save files back into SD:/Android/data/

7. Load, Play, and Enjoy.


thanks bro I'll try tonight

I'm fairly certain this is a bug, but when I'm prompted to name the child Emily has with the MC the text shown says to name your first child similar to when I was prompted to name the one the MC has with Nina. I enter the name I want, but it defers back to the name I gave to Nina's child no matter how many times I try. Is there a way around this? I tried looking in the game files to see if I could edit the [emily1] name there, but I either overlooked it or was unsuccessful.

(1 edit) (+1)

Good catch, that was found and fixed. An update solving a bunch of bugs will be out tomorrow or so.

Edit: LTA 1.0.1 is out now and can be downloaded.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a crash on one of the Good Path endings. 
The Madame du Barry scene was not working properly making her endings get skipped. 
The final scene of Ramoray never showed up on the Good Path. 
A Good Path Sophia event could trigger on the Dark Path. 
An early game Sophia showed incorrect images, fixed. 
Dr. Charlotte showed an incorrect ending. Naming Emily's child is no longer bugged. 
The gallery now displays the correct name that the player chose.  
Dozens of inconsistency fixes, quite a few typos, and other small stuff like missing music, photoshop, a black screen where it shouldn't be etc.
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