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Love the game but I'm not exactly sure on what tells you which path you took and if the nuns are always on corruption like I'm confused about that.

From Day 12, choosing to give girls the drug corrupts them.
Following the Tasks in the Journal leads you to corrupting the Nuns, University Girls, etc.
For the time being (v 0.8.1 and earlier) there's not really a way out of doing that. It is planned to give players on the "good" path a choice later on. The game still has a ton of content planned. Even if we hit v 1.0, it's not the end.

(1 edit)

Hi I just want to ask what is the filename of the saves from the game? (Btw love the game! So addicting, came for the fap but stayed to the story)

Edit: I looked through the comments and there mentioned where it is located but somehow there's no file name of 'com.lewdtown' I also tried the 'com.jamleng' but It seems that there's no file showed :<

Hi there, sorry for the late reply.

Pretty sure you're looking for something that's called LTA .com
Alternatively, try using the file finder for a map called "Renpy"


Hi guys please tell me if this game has NTR or rape or not?

i really hate it.If you don't mind, please tell me.

I'm afraid to face it.I've had a lot of pain with it. I don't want to find anything that reminds me of it.

And that's the whole reason I hesitate to play the game.


There is none you're fine


You may be challenged by certain aspects of the game though but you can walk away from naughty scenes or alter them.

This game has a lot of stuff going and it's mostly comedy but it's not only super sweet vanilla stuff. In the end, "Harem" and "NTR" paths are both available. so choose wisely.


If you cant handle porn, then why u playing porn game's?

I do not know


it has the option for if you want ntr or not


It's certainly a decent game. It's obvious that a lot of hard work and effort has been put in to make the world and the people in it. There's plenty of content to see and enjoy, and each character feels unique. There are many games that are completely finished or will force you to pay $20 or more for far less. For that, you should be commended.

However, the biggest issue I have is with the writing. On many *many* occasions where the writing is massively fluffed out, and I'm unsure if it's to try and make the game stand out or someone's been watching too many telenovelas, but any writing instructor worth their salt will instill within you the importance of being able to 'cut the fat'.

The main character in particular often feels disingenuous, and regardless of whether it's intentional or not it gives the impression that someone's taking it as an opportunity to try and vicariously prove how virtuous they themselves are through these empty moral platitudes that don't tell us anything (and aren't worth reading if I'm being brutally honest). For example, when first interacting with Elsa the MC launches himself into this banal rant about self-worth to a complete stranger, and you're instantly pulled out of the world because it has as much realism as an anti-drug PSA with Mr. T. If someone came up to me, went on a rant and told me to "live free", I'd soundly tell them to fuck off.

Whether this constructive criticism is taken on board or not, I wish you good luck in this endeavour and others in the future.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I respect your opinion but I feel you are overanalyzing the game I guess? Just a small reminder that this is a parody/comedy porn game not written by J. R. R. Tolkien. On top of that, it holds lots of optional fetishes with the goal to become one of the lewdest games out there.

It's a bit like South Park meets Leisure Suit Larry thus should not be taken seriously ever.

Not sure how far you've gotten into the game but the mc is supposed to be a regular dude, getting into crazy situations. While being challenged/conflicted on his/the player's morals, eventually having to choose between becoming "good" or"evil".

With the game having over 10 hours of content and over 200 scenes, there will be people that take offense to something or dislike a certain scene or whatever part of the writing.  So although I take criticism to heart, that one Elsa example is not something that I can do much with.

So, if you have better ideas/improvements, feel free to join Discord and talk to me and who knows we can make it a reality.


But my main point is that there was essentially *too much* writing, not that there should be more. I was saying that the characters don't talk like normal people. If it's meant to be like Leisure Suit Larry, it's strange to have characters like Sarah and Tanya where you're *meant* to feel bad about their predicament. It's about cutting the fat, reducing the fluff in the dialogue so that it flows more naturally. If anything, it would make your job easier because you'd be reducing the amount of writing required.

I haven't found anything in the game necessarily offensive, and any scene I particularly like doesn't matter because of all the content you've put into it (which, once again, is commendable and should be praised since you've clearly put a lot of work into it)


As the writer of the "fluff" I honestly appreciate your input. The Elsa moment you mention was something I wish someone had told me when I was ready to just let myself fade away and die as a teen, having been bullied as much as Elsa.

I don't expect everyone to like what we (Jamleng and I) write. It's a freaking porn-game, FFS. I get that some will be bored or frustrated. But some players will appreciate the moral message, the EMPATHY the MC shows to a fellow victim of bullying. If you watch the first 3 minutes of the Intro, you'll get where that whole thing comes from. And, frankly, having spoken with many other players, I know I'm not alone in how truly relatable the situation is. 

I don't expect EVERYONE to understand. I know most people never got punched, knocked off the top of playground equipment, had their head slammed into a brick wall, gotten kicked in the gut just for being a skeletally-thin kid among chubby kids who never knew NEED.

See, I'm a writer. I do my best to try and sympathize with everyone's plight. I may not understand certain things, but I know Elsa and MC's backstory, because I lived it (barely).


As I have mentioned, more than once, I am saying that it is overwritten. Any writing class will tell you that exposition and monologues should be kept to a minimum. It isn't a Shakespearean play. For a writer, you seem unable to read what's actually written. I have no qualms against the message, nor did I write as such. I even double-checked all my messages to confirm whether if any of them were confusing or vague, but it wasn't.

I'm specifically saying that your writing pulls the player out of the story. You can't use the defence of "It's a freaking porn game", but then defend the writing and that you've heard largely praise. Those are polar opposite arguments, claiming the quality of writing doesn't matter but then saying people actually liked the quality of writing to defend it. Just go onto the internet and look up "trim the fat in writing". It doesn't fix the dialogue feeling unnatural, but it will at least help shorten it up so it's more concise.


Your 'constructive' criticism derailed quite fast there. Especially since you try to paint a very subjective problem you have as an objective flaw. 

I do not see anything inherently wrong in the MCs interaction with Elsa. You thinking the natural thing for her should be to tell him off isn't really proof for a fault on the writers part. Rather it tells me that you lack life experience in this regard (which is a good thing for you I guess). People in as dire a mental state as Elsa tend to feel when someone they are talking to 'knows what it is like'. So her not pushing the MC back here is absolutely on point. 

Since you are keen on giving advice, here is mine for you. Self reflection. Instead of assuming everyone does things the wrong way or 'doesn't get it' maybe leave room for the possibility that it is you that can learn something new. 


after 5 minutes the game ends… wtf!?

Not sure what you mean, there are 10+ hours of content in this game.


After the meeting from the psycho doctor the game ends…

The game ends if you don't agree to her request, then shows you where you end up in life afterwards. If you want to actually play the game then agree to her request.

The game is "LEWD" Town... To go on the Adventure, you need to be LEWD and accept the offer.


Im on day 90 yet the fbi scene never seems to happen in the teachers office and I'm not able to go to the classroom to talk to mia after sunset, anyone know how I can trigger these?

It means you are missing a quest somewhere, try finishing a bunch of others and it will unlock for you.  If for some reason you can't get it to work, send me your save file through discord and I'll let you know what's up.

A more general sort of message that will help players progress the game more smoothly: It's advised not to stick to a single character but pursue more at the same time so the game progresses more naturally and to prevent having to wait for certain events to trigger.

How would I send my save file on Android, sorry if I seem a bit stupid 😅

By finding the map where the save files are stored which would be something like this: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}.program/files/saves Alternatively, you can use the file manager to find the correct save map where the Renpy save files belong.

When I go to the data folder there's nothing there 😐

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, something is very wrong with this game, I mean, how a game can be so addictive? I started playing it in the evening and went straight to 4 a.m, wtf lol, and I am still playing it. This game is awesome... so much feelings... prologue was awesome, there is so much content.. I loved the Autor's narrative, so much fun there. The OST chosen was out of the box 11/10. Loved the graphics. very detailed after prologue. I am expecting more of this game. You clearly deserve a coffee man. Thank you so much for your hard work and for thinking out of the box, specially in days like these.

Thank you very much for the kind words! Very much appreciated! <3

I had a weird desire to unbox some hardware after the prologue...
Did that happen to anyone else?

lol "unbox" some "hardware"? nice metaphor

Hah, not a metaphor, me no smart enough

Hardware Unboxed uses the song which plays at that point as the intro for their videos


I saw cheat on computer desk but never find the password, anu hint?


This is the actual funniest game I have ever played or seen, and I don't think there could be another game to match it in it's unrelenting humor. I am very happy I got this game even though I was doubting it was even worth it just looking at the pictures. I'd have to say my favorite parts about this game are both the constant changing of the word money but also what happens in the background 24/7. Thank you for making this absolute masterpiece, I am glad I spent hours of my life enjoying it.


Is there an ETR on the next update?


The early release of a huge update is half October or so.


Ok thanks! I've been wondering for a while but just now decided to ask.

How do I install?? I extracted it on Android But I don't see the game

You need a software to unzip the zip of the game,  and install the apk

what Software do I need?

Just use zarchiver


The story is so good and its unique for me, there are also lots of references and some funny talks. The scenes were good and I very much like where the mc will choose a good or dark path.  Overall its the best indie vn game for me, I hope there will be more content soon as the game is so fun and interesting to play. Thank u for making a great game jamleng.


Have this game ntr? I like ntr😈


There are a few optional scenes available that are clearly marked as ntr.

Good paths turn this game into a harem game with tons of girls at your exposal.
Dark paths make this game not vanilla and pretty damn crazy with lots of extra fetishes and stuff.

When's the next update? 2nd week next month maybe? Or hope so?❤

Next month there will be quite a big update. I've just posted a blog post with some extra information since the game is officially 1 year old.

have this game Breast expansion?


Bruh stfu I've seen you on other games, just check the kink list provided on most itch games

Well, one character has significantly larger 'bosoms' from the prologue to main game and - in the future - a few who get pregnant will logically see some mammary growth, for sure. But as far as intentionally visible animations of it? nope.

Why I lost all my save? (Android) I don't mind starting new game this time cuz last time I skipped a lot conversation. And really good game and the story didn't expect about the story when I first saw this game, my like way you tell story of Elsa Emily and Chad oh and don't forget to give Chad some girl too lol, I'm straight man but that toilet scene I will let that slide cuz it's funny lol. Sorry about bad english it's not my first language.

Cheers, Sunny Guy.

Not sure why the save files are lost, it could be because of the latest update. I had to create the android version differently than I usually do. There are save files available for where 0.7 left off(free) on Subscribe star.

Not sure what the last version was you've played but there should be some really cool new events involving the characters you've mentioned.
The coming update will be rather big with lots of really changes/additional content and will come out next month-ish.

Have fun!


why is the soundtrack such bop. found myself distracted by it almost as i jammed out while plowing through the available content. cant wait to see more!!


y'all need help

(1 edit) (+2)

Made an account just to comment here. 

It's not often that a game makes me laugh just 1min into playing it ''What happened to your face'' the worst part is I put my own name down as the character so congrats on pranking me. 

You have a great sense of humor mate, can already tell this is going to be a funny one. A good unique idea of a main character too btw

Thank you for doing that, Cheekyman07.

The goal of the game is to be
different from all the ones out there.
I hope the twists and turns surprised you and that you enjoyed the rest of the game as much as I do making it.

Hope to see you in the next update.

I already guessed who the head of the organization was, but still I was surprised LOL  😂


Wow, I didn't expect such a cool plot from an adult game.
Thank you for all your efforts on the game.
And I also have a question. Is it possible to find Rose? If so, how?


Thank you very much, Monga!

Rose should be easy to find, she's very close to you.
Just follow the quest log in the top right corner.

A more general sort of message that will help players progress the game more smoothly: It's advised not to stick to a single character but pursue more at the same time so the game progresses more naturally and to prevent having to wait for certain events to trigger.

Hey, I get quite the enjoyment from this game, but the thing that buggs me is how the protaganist even after his surgery looks very mentally disabled. Yet almost all the women calls him handsome. would have preferred if the protaganist atleast looked normal.

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You're not the first person to comment on that but IMO he's more than fine ^_^
I could have created him as the second Bradley Pitts but that would ruin all the fun.
He's a bit goofy looking on purpose as he's inspired by the likes of Leisure Suit Larry. My other inspirations are certain animes and let's be honest here, Naruto and Luffy aren't the most handsome characters either but they're awesome nonetheless.

Almost any other game out there has a perfect-looking mc and I chose to stray away from the norm as I did with many things in this game.


I like his design because if he can get pussy , than sure can I 😂


This game is overall good..really hooks me in to play,but sadly I just finished ittt....I can't wait for the updates to comeee!!so yeah if I have to rate it..11/10

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks a ton for your nice comment, yeehawbrother. I'm very happy you've enjoyed the game.

Even though the coming update will be really big and will have a ton of extra stuff/improvements to make this game A LOT better, and this includes audio. 
Voice acting is not one of them, I mean, it would be absolutely incredible to have that but with the equivalent of 600+ pages of dialogue and counting, the money it would require to do something like that is, to put it mildly out of my budget.

Deleted 2 years ago

Ok, this game is very good, didn't expect it to be this intense

I'm trying to download on android but it keeps saying "Forbidden" Pls Help!..


Not sure, works fine here.
On the subscribe star page there are some download mirrors available.

Hey there, bud.

I believe I've run into an issue, and I don't know if I have to start from a while back or if it's a bug, but I can't get past the quest for Ramoray when you have to bring in Chloe for her.

I might've made a mistake and spoken to her before the quest got far enough for me to progress with her, but whenever I speak to her she just says that she doesn't want to speak to me.

Can you explain if it's or a bug or if I've made a mistake and need to restart.

(1 edit)

Hi there, Laante.

Not a bug but you're missing something there.
Did you meet Ramoray in the lobby after day 50? After that quest is done, Chloe will be happy to "talk".

No need for reloads/restarts because guaranteed everything works fine, although some things could be made a tad clearer in the journal.
It's on the to-do list for the coming update. If you really can't get past the issue after doing some other quests, send me your save file and I'll gladly figure out what's going on.


Sorry for the late reply, been out the past 5/6 days with family.

Just loaded the game up and tried speaking to her again, and now it decides to work. I'd tried speaking to her many time prior to this one and it was still coming up with that she didn't want to speak with me, but thank you for the quick reply.

I'm enjoying this game, looking forward to where it leads.


hello im just a ramdom guy who found this game...Before i download it i see in the comment section that the creator of this game is active when there a problem report or there someone asking him for something he answered to them in here or in discord...Well he mostly say to contact on him on discord so you know..Any way im gonna download this thing because when i read the comment section is this game have so many girls you know the more girls the more story and the story is  more interesting to me cause i play this adult game thing because of the story of it there so many adult game that have a good story i think some of you know twisted world that a good one in a hell story hahaha....

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Loved this game...I have  asuggestion is it possible to add an update bar of some sort of when we could expect the next version of the that I don't have to check the website every 2 days .. Thankss

Hiya, thanks a lot for the compliment.
Working hard on the new update but this one will come out later than the previous ones because it's going to be huge with tons of changes + a ton of more content. It will truly bring the game to a more professional level. ETA is somewhere in October.

As for progress updates, they're every Sunday on Discord and Subscribe star.


the fact that you have to progress almost every story at the same time makes it so chaotic and i fucking love it.


Great game. Looking forward to Emily content.


So idk if this is something on my side or something for the next update but i cant seem to progress sophia/lillys paths and go to the bar. could you tell me what other quests i have to progress?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm guessing you're missing Emily for that. Otherwise, pursue Pamela/Sarah and the store event.

A more general sort of message that will help players progress the game more smoothly: It's advised not to stick to a single character but pursue more at the same time so the game progresses more naturally and to prevent having to wait for certain events to trigger.



I have been playing this game for two weeks now and it is fucking amazing. The freedom that you get is great. My favourite characters are Rose, Anna and Luna. The funniest character is Chad of course XD

Can't wait until the next update. 

I also would like to help make the game better so here are some problems/suggestions I have:

  1. I run the game on Android (OnePlus Nord) and the calibration of the game and the touchscreen is not completely correct. My inputs are registered a bit to the right.
  2. Why is not every sex-scene in the gallery from the main menu? Some erotic scenes can't be rewarded that way (like the one in the bathroom with Chloe)
  3. Are some girls going to be unlocked? Like the unnamed schoolgirl at the stairs or Shelly. Those girls are looking hot XD

Hopefully I could help with your project. I have also a quick question. Is it normal that some sex-scenes in the gallery are still locked? I have played the game until I can't go further with any character and I know there are variations of the same scenes.


Hi there, happy you enjoyed the game, ChadBoi.

1. I'm not too sure about other android phones since L.T.A.  is basically a one version fits all. I'm not in the position to run/test the game on so many different devices but I do test the game on Android over here before I release them. You're the first person to make me aware of this issue so the problem could be on your side.
2. I only add the bigger naughty scenes to the gallery.
3. Quite a few side characters will get more content in the future for sure. In most cases, their rooms/journal pages are done.
The thing is that there are already 24 girls in the journal that are pursuable and require a bit more attention before opening up more stuff.
That's because I don't want the world to feel empty and I don't want to make things complicated.
4.It is normal to have locked scenes/images in the journal after a single playthrough, the reason for this is simple: there are variations, there are different character paths(good/dark routes.), there are events that do not appear in the journal at all and there are hidden endings.


Honest question: How does it feel to have an nsfw-game as your lifes work?

(1 edit) (+9)

The question is a bit off, the problem here is that it's not my life's work as I've done quite a bit of other interesting things in my life.
The project is less than a year old. In any case, I'll try and answer your question. Maybe it's interesting for other people to read as well.

With a passion for games and a fascination with naughty stuff, I've combined the two to create this game.

For me personally, the tags don't really matter. I don't see adult games any different from shooters/RPG's or whatever. They're all pretty mainstream.

The adult VN market is fairly new and I'd reckon the most success is to be had here because sex sells.
Sure you could say, make the next "Insert awesome game" but that's not that simple for indie game devs, even if if you do have a decent budget. The gaming market is very over-saturated and the competition is huge. It's difficult to get noticed at all.

Basically, this is a work of passion and just for fun. That's seriously what it is. NSFW or not, this whole game is a parody/satire sort of thing based on the likes of South Park/Leisure Suit Larry, and a bunch of other animes. Mixed with some serious scenes and lots of naughty stuff.

Why? Because I thought most of the adult games are sort of the same. I think I'm one of the few devs that took a different approach, although it's not always appreciated by the player. Which is fine. I made some posts about my thoughts on subscribe star, some are public posts. If you want to learn more about the "joys" of creating games, feel free to check them out. For any further questions, ask me on the Discord channel.

Short answer:

Although it takes a shit ton of work it's pretty fun.


Thanks for your answer :)  Always interested to see whats behind the scenes.

damn i wouldn't've expect such a well worded answer

The game freezes everytime I try to start it,  help?

I need some more information to be able to help you.
Where does it freeze and on what system? Android? Pc? Mac?

Contact me on discord if we want to figure things out quickly.

seem to be stuck with emily and that way although with lilly/sophia
since last version game tells me - after 68 days to visit emily and go on a trip and go visit them with emily - but emily is only in her room for the standard talk

That's strange since that event should be easy to trigger.
If you want, you can send me your save file and I'll take a look.

tried to put it on a upload page - file-pw: test

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for doing that, SPEEDY3003.
I'm a little bit confused about how that's possible.  I've checked out the code logic and everything seems to check out, I'll dive into it a little bit deeper later.  In any case, here's a save file where everything works fine.



This is the first game I downloaded here and it's pretty great. I'm almost done for this update and waiting for the next one. :)


Thank you, DeucschesKaiser.

The next update will take this game to a whole new level with tons of changes/extras/upgrades and stuff. The downside is it will take longer than usual.


Can't wait for 0.9. I want to see how Nina's parents react to the whole pregnancy thing.

It's awesome... It was so fun to write and explore... I hope everyone enjoys it...

I can't wait though! I know it's going to be an AMAZING update with how long it took!

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