I've been trying literally every possible thing. I'm at Day 58 by now and I still can't get the stupid store opened. I've finished all of Sarah's seemingly automatic quests and have Elsa's cafeteria stuff done (or at least I'm hoping, cuz I've been drinking coffee there 3 times a day for the previous 4 days and nothing) and I can't talk to Stella cuz she keeps telling me about the sisters thing and then running off for a call.
Either press rollback and see after that whether it fixes it or press ignore it should play through after you press it a few times it means a coding of a scene got corrupted after youve saved just ignore that line of coding and get to the next scene unless your at a major scene then idk
Are you forced to NTR rose in the dark path? I kind of dont want to Heh Heh
I chose to work in the Mansion and I like the idea of dark path but kinda wanna opt to not NTR some girls. I just don't want to NTR Rose and Hilda (everybody else is fine) if I get the chance to recruit her. Im only about 24 days in
You're still in the very early game. Nothing is forced, everything is optional by very clear choices where you can decide on how you want to proceed, even within those choices there are choices on how things play out. Aside from that, you can always opt-out of certain fetishes.
On Good path, there is a choice for almost every girl to have a better life in one way or another. On Dark path, not so much. Instead the girls will have more training for becoming members of the organization.
You speak of Sarah. If you choose to be nice to her, not corrupt her, and make the decision to be on the "hero/harem/good" path, then her future is much more positive.
(I know it's vague, but I don't want to spoil any specifics.)
What walkthrough? The mini-one I made for version 0.11? If you follow it step by step without deviating, it should trigger. As long as you are playing version 0.11 or later. Several Prologue changes were made between version 0.10 and 0.11 that should not have impacted the proceedings or sequence much.
I agree, especially when hes the butt end of a joke. Although not gonna lie he gets a 5 out of 5 bros from me for his thought dialouge when he broke up with rose, first I was thinking just a complete creep till I saw that and I was like my man 💪 he knows his place.
finished the current good path (0.12.2) then for science tried the dark path, following the roleplay principle of doing what honesty demands. but i reached one scene and "I went nope" and i tapped my the x-card. so for me the dark path does not exist. its is very good game with well written story i look forward to next patch
Decided to buy it a few hours of gameplay because it was above my expectations. Im doing the 'good' path my first try. I Like that there are lolis and milfs with different body types. Keep it up.
Before, I had installed the game on my old cell phone, but my cell phone wasn't very good and I got a little bored with all the text that explained about Lewd Paradise, I stopped, part of it is to blame for laziness :/ .. . (a little disappointing on my part, as I personally enjoy adult games with a lot of story (or good stories, whatever), but at the time I wasn't really into playing this game *stay between us, but I wasn't I was a big fan of adult 3D games at that time*).
Now that I have a new phone and installed the game again, I can say, the game is good, I know there is still a lot to see (considering I haven't gone very far), but from what the game has shown me so far there is a interesting story and well-expected-unexpected jokes, even some things bother me like the fact that there are two Emily in the event where the MC goes to the beach, or the fact that when the MC closes his eyes it looks like he has two eyebrows *this is funny but my OCD doesn't like it that much* the game is good and has a lot to show me yet.
When I finish all the routes and scenes of the game, I'll give you a better review about the game...
Thank you very much, I didn't know about that Emily image, and I'll fix that one for the next update, good catch! Also, my apologies but I'd like to request you remove those images as they kinda contain spoilers.
This game is huge with over 20 hours of gameplay and is designed to become better the more one plays. Looking forward to your final verdict. Take your time, have fun and if you see anything else that's weird, let me know.
Fun and perfectly pervy! Honestly didn't expect much depth from the characters due to the type of game, but was actually pleasantly surprised and even enjoyed the, what seemed like, endless reading. Great game! Can't wait for the update! :)
When I start working again I will definitely give when I can.
Okay so can I build or buy a nursery to store the kids in if path to redemption to the light cause I see there a possibility of a civil war happening in the game
We're working on some things... So that is a probability, yes. Custom maps (rooms) are being built by yours truly as needed - including a couple for the next update that took me DAYS to get just right.
to not give too many spoilers to new players just one question.Is Nani gonna end up in lets say mansion with doctor and i will have just those 3 options with her in the end or is it avoidable?i tried with fresh start with skip just to check it out but still ended up the same.
Not avoidable, her path is mostly done by that point. By picking option one she'll lead a good life and will show up a few times later on, option two is goofy, and option 3 is pretty dark. Possibly in the future, we'll give her an extra scene.
so question, is there like a hard time limit to do things? like i only got lets say 10 days to do something before *BAM* locked out of something? or could i take my time and try out everything slowly?
If you do not progress all the love interests equally, it may do 2 things:
1. Prevent later events for some characters from triggering (if you skip anyone due to dislike for any reason) and...
2. Have events that talk about or refer to things you have not yet experienced with other characters.
We have combed through countless times to try and playtest every update, to ensure this does not happen... but being a sandbox environment, it's still probable people will waste time grinding cash (which you do not need to do at all) or find a single pivotal character not to your taste and avoid them, causing the above 2 possibilities.
In general, everything up through 0.12.2 should happen within approximately 150 days... Unless you try to grind money.
Publicly available cheat code for $10k cash: Greedisgood (case sensitive - so capitalize the G)
No. There are "action sequences" with some intense moments of violence and people getting physically injured as part of the storyline, but MC does not (currently) have any fighting scenes.
stuck. I'm in day 79. most characters tips say to wait until I meet the boss, but the main story is stuck, and I've been everywhere and talked to everyone.
I think the main problem is Mia's story. it says to look for her at the university at the toilet but I checked all university places in all time of the day and can't find her.
I already spilled the drug in the pool and saw the effect on two students but nothing related happened since.
That does sound strange, but it's highly unlikely it's a bug. Are you sure you're not missing anyone else in the journal? Feel free to send me your save file through Discord and I'll gladly check out what's going on.
That worked! You're missing a glory hole event in the university toilet that's blocking your story progression. If you accept the offer the game will start other events as intended which will lead you to the third part of the game which unlocks loads of extra stuff.
If the game crashes or lags it might be because of basic problems like insufficient space, outdated drivers and whatnot. In almost all cases it has to do with a video card obsolescence issue, your video card and/or its drivers are too old for Ren'py to use or simply not recognized. A solution would probably be to create the following file in a notepad:
define config.gl2 = False
And save it in the game map as .rpy
I would start by updating your drivers though, sorry I can't be of much more help.
It fixed itself. Apparently I jus needed to advance things wit Lilly so that it wouldn skip a portion of the story. I hope I haven accidentally skipped anythin else.
EDIT: Ignore these questions, they have been answered over on f95zone by one of the devs. - Thanks
I have been waiting to start this one for sometime, but I am torn between the two paths, All I keep seeing is the Light path is more tame and dark path has NTR but also wilder H scenes. Does the light path turn into more of a single vanilla one girl at a time H scenes or does it still have group scenes with more then one girl or are these scenes locked behind the dark path.
How much does the story change between the two paths?
I guess what I am saying is there a way to view all scenes so if you pick dark path can you see all of what the light has to offer still? Does the story change or just H scenes. How much work is involved to run two saves side by side?
Instead of visiting f95 piracy site, here are the answers:
There is a main Dark Path which starts around Day 69 if all characters are kept up to date. Sarah and Sophia have individual Dark Path variations. Good Path story branches are those alternative choices Not Marked as Dark.
MC still has plenty of fun fetishes on the Good Path, just does not slowly become more sadistic or vengeful toward others, like he does on Dark Path. Group sex is mostly Dark Path, Lesbian and Sleep sex still happen on both paths.
Individual character storylines do change on Dark Path, with some characters relocating and their loved ones wondering where they went.
Completionists will want to have 2 or 3 path saves, but if you're more into BDSM, Sharing, NTR, Training and Corruption, Dark Path is your game. If you're looking for harem, love, pregnancy, and still having wild sex but with women professing appreciation, Good Path is your game.
There are Neutral Characters who exist and do not have split stories, so they're present regardless of path choice.
Saying NO takes you to a hidden ending (one of several in the game). In early days of development, that "ending" was planned to be a fully-fleshed-out path, but the plot of it was shifted to later in the game.
Most hidden endings (if not all) return to the moment of choice after playing out. Then they continue on, so players are not tossed to the Main Menu.
Yes, these "endings" are legit choices, but the direction of the game continues down the alternate choice.
For the time being, some of the characters in the background are simply easter eggs for fans. If her presence becomes something we can find a logical method of including in the story, maybe? But we already do have well over 45 love interests and adding more would be quite the challenge. Still, don't lose hope.
Gotta say, this game man..... I actually care for some of the characters and I catch feels according to my choices. This game gets DARK, the kinda dark where you feel like trash for enjoying it. If you told me Shindo L worked with you on this game I would believe you. It is a game I would highly recommend to anyone but with HEAVY caution. I haven't even finished 1 run of the game but I will totally be trying all possible routes to see what choices truly matter.
Note to Developer: So far there has only been 1 or 2 choices clearly marked as Dark and Good, all others are veiled behind kink labels. I think (if possible, I have 0 experience with RenPy) change the colors of choices to reflect the impact it will have on the story. I don't wanna leave spoilers but some of my kink choices felt like I ruined some of the girls that I didn't wanna ruin. Also I don't know if the quests influence the story based on the order you complete them in.
Some parts of the gallery only unlock depending on what choices you've made. It's impossible to complete it in a single playthrough because of vastly different paths, including a bunch of fetishes that not everyone is up for. As for Natalie, she's around the university stairs.
Also for everyone else, v0.12 contained a few minor bugs, mostly to do with the journal not correctly updating but those are fixed. v0.12.1 is already up.
Can anybody help me when i play the game using rnplay it just crashes even before it actually complety loads but before the update it just works just fine
Maybe not enough space? Maybe an outdated system? Drivers? Corrupted download? Maybe other basic troubleshooting will help. I wish I could be of more help but it could be many things. One thing is for sure, the game works fine on Android.
It's really difficult to pinpoint problems for android users because there are so many phones/settings/OS's, I wish it was different but unfortunately it's not.
Do not try to buy the house until after Day 70. Even having that much money will not work. It is an event trigger as part of the NARRATIVE of the gameplay.
Besides, being "zulies" it should be obvious as a joke to those in the know. less obvious if you burn hours grinding cash.
Spanking Leah and tossing her ass into the fountain for how she just brutalized Elsa was UNBELIEVABLY satisfying. Now, I get it was just a bit of escapist badassery for our entertainment but damn was it a great moment.
That said, it does bring up my only real complaint about the MC though. By that I mean how his characterization feels hella all over the place. It's not a deal breaker, but is there.
So far so good though and I'll keep supporting this fun little dive into utter near uninhibited debauchery.
Thanks a lot for the report and the kind words. That Natalie one does trigger, but the journal does not update. Especially with older saves seems it can cause issues. I will fix it asap. Cheers!
there is also a bug when trying to meet with the girl that is in your room as I tried in the morning, Afternoon, Evening and night it keeps saying that she and her cat are not there and or she has locked the door
Thanks for quick reply, I searched through the gallery and it didn't look like I was missing any animated scenes, did the Luna scene not update as well? Or was that one not triggering?
← Return to game
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I've been trying literally every possible thing. I'm at Day 58 by now and I still can't get the stupid store opened. I've finished all of Sarah's seemingly automatic quests and have Elsa's cafeteria stuff done (or at least I'm hoping, cuz I've been drinking coffee there 3 times a day for the previous 4 days and nothing) and I can't talk to Stella cuz she keeps telling me about the sisters thing and then running off for a call.
Do not make Sarah ur slave . ..... Omg 😳 just don't if u have a heart .....it ruined the game for me
Ouch, I'll look into that, but the simplest way to solve the issue is to restart the game or load another save.
Either press rollback and see after that whether it fixes it or press ignore it should play through after you press it a few times it means a coding of a scene got corrupted after youve saved just ignore that line of coding and get to the next scene unless your at a major scene then idk
Are you forced to NTR rose in the dark path? I kind of dont want to Heh Heh
I chose to work in the Mansion and I like the idea of dark path but kinda wanna opt to not NTR some girls. I just don't want to NTR Rose and Hilda (everybody else is fine) if I get the chance to recruit her. Im only about 24 days in
You're still in the very early game. Nothing is forced, everything is optional by very clear choices where you can decide on how you want to proceed, even within those choices there are choices on how things play out. Aside from that, you can always opt-out of certain fetishes.
Have fun!
So... is the disabled girl in the mansion (Forget the name) will ever get her hands and leg again?
On Good path, there is a choice for almost every girl to have a better life in one way or another.
On Dark path, not so much. Instead the girls will have more training for becoming members of the organization.
You speak of Sarah. If you choose to be nice to her, not corrupt her, and make the decision to be on the "hero/harem/good" path, then her future is much more positive.
(I know it's vague, but I don't want to spoil any specifics.)
I choose to corrupt her and after a while i feel bad now 😭
What walkthrough? The mini-one I made for version 0.11? If you follow it step by step without deviating, it should trigger. As long as you are playing version 0.11 or later. Several Prologue changes were made between version 0.10 and 0.11 that should not have impacted the proceedings or sequence much.
Dr. Ramoray. I see the reference...
Only one.
This latest update is not working for android.
It's not an update. The X-mas version was simply removed. Lewd Town Adventures 0.13 is scheduled for late February.
Chad is such a fun character, always fun to see him
I agree, especially when hes the butt end of a joke. Although not gonna lie he gets a 5 out of 5 bros from me for his thought dialouge when he broke up with rose, first I was thinking just a complete creep till I saw that and I was like my man 💪 he knows his place.
How do i get elsa's house?
When it becomes available, head to the Beach.
The menu will be different, with "Take a walk through the park." added.
The park then has "Visit Elsa's home."
In a future version, our map will be better so it can be a more direct route. For now, this is the way.
Happy New Year, Jamleng! 🥳
Happy New Year!
shit I forgot how to trigger the FIB event again
finished the current good path (0.12.2) then for science tried the dark path, following the roleplay principle of doing what honesty demands. but i reached one scene and "I went nope" and i tapped my the x-card. so for me the dark path does not exist. its is very good game with well written story i look forward to next patch
Yeah i tried a few dark options and was like nope im going to hell for doing that in a game rollback. Good game tho ill stick to the goodboy route.
Decided to buy it a few hours of gameplay because it was above my expectations. Im doing the 'good' path my first try. I Like that there are lolis and milfs with different body types. Keep it up.
Before, I had installed the game on my old cell phone, but my cell phone wasn't very good and I got a little bored with all the text that explained about Lewd Paradise, I stopped, part of it is to blame for laziness :/ .. . (a little disappointing on my part, as I personally enjoy adult games with a lot of story (or good stories, whatever), but at the time I wasn't really into playing this game *stay between us, but I wasn't I was a big fan of adult 3D games at that time*).
Now that I have a new phone and installed the game again, I can say, the game is good, I know there is still a lot to see (considering I haven't gone very far), but from what the game has shown me so far there is a interesting story and well-expected-unexpected jokes, even some things bother me like the fact that there are two Emily in the event where the MC goes to the beach, or the fact that when the MC closes his eyes it looks like he has two eyebrows *this is funny but my OCD doesn't like it that much* the game is good and has a lot to show me yet.
When I finish all the routes and scenes of the game, I'll give you a better review about the game...
(by GoogleTrans)
I'm brazilian,By-ye ;)
Thank you very much, I didn't know about that Emily image, and I'll fix that one for the next update, good catch! Also, my apologies but I'd like to request you remove those images as they kinda contain spoilers.
This game is huge with over 20 hours of gameplay and is designed to become better the more one plays. Looking forward to your final verdict. Take your time, have fun and if you see anything else that's weird, let me know.
Oh... sorry about spoilers...
Fun and perfectly pervy! Honestly didn't expect much depth from the characters due to the type of game, but was actually pleasantly surprised and even enjoyed the, what seemed like, endless reading. Great game! Can't wait for the update! :)
When I start working again I will definitely give when I can.
Hi everyone just wondering if you could get kids in the game? If so how many
One childbirth is currently possible, some girls can get pregnant, and more are coming up in the next update.
Okay so can I build or buy a nursery to store the kids in if path to redemption to the light cause I see there a possibility of a civil war happening in the game
We're working on some things... So that is a probability, yes. Custom maps (rooms) are being built by yours truly as needed - including a couple for the next update that took me DAYS to get just right.
Thanks mate when will they be available?
When 0.13 drops... Approximately late February/early March?
ETA on release is not final yet. Much work is being done.
to not give too many spoilers to new players just one question.Is Nani gonna end up in lets say mansion with doctor and i will have just those 3 options with her in the end or is it avoidable?i tried with fresh start with skip just to check it out but still ended up the same.
Not avoidable, her path is mostly done by that point. By picking option one she'll lead a good life and will show up a few times later on, option two is goofy, and option 3 is pretty dark. Possibly in the future, we'll give her an extra scene.
thank you for the reply
so question, is there like a hard time limit to do things? like i only got lets say 10 days to do something before *BAM* locked out of something? or could i take my time and try out everything slowly?
No. No time limit, but...
If you do not progress all the love interests equally, it may do 2 things:
1. Prevent later events for some characters from triggering (if you skip anyone due to dislike for any reason) and...
2. Have events that talk about or refer to things you have not yet experienced with other characters.
We have combed through countless times to try and playtest every update, to ensure this does not happen... but being a sandbox environment, it's still probable people will waste time grinding cash (which you do not need to do at all) or find a single pivotal character not to your taste and avoid them, causing the above 2 possibilities.
In general, everything up through 0.12.2 should happen within approximately 150 days... Unless you try to grind money.
Publicly available cheat code for $10k cash: Greedisgood
(case sensitive - so capitalize the G)
Hey guys, does the game has fight scenes?
No. There are "action sequences" with some intense moments of violence and people getting physically injured as part of the storyline, but MC does not (currently) have any fighting scenes.
the start had me a bit put off, but holy fuck this game is great! I haven't laughed this hard in a while, and the sex scenes are good. Nice job man
stuck. I'm in day 79. most characters tips say to wait until I meet the boss, but the main story is stuck, and I've been everywhere and talked to everyone.
I think the main problem is Mia's story. it says to look for her at the university at the toilet but I checked all university places in all time of the day and can't find her.
I already spilled the drug in the pool and saw the effect on two students but nothing related happened since.
am I missing something or is it a bug?
That does sound strange, but it's highly unlikely it's a bug. Are you sure you're not missing anyone else in the journal?
Feel free to send me your save file through Discord and I'll gladly check out what's going on.
I sent on channel "help". was that the right place?
That worked! You're missing a glory hole event in the university toilet that's blocking your story progression. If you accept the offer the game will start other events as intended which will lead you to the third part of the game which unlocks loads of extra stuff.
What are the basic system requirements for this game as it keeps crashing before I am able to play
Not much, I'd say it runs on anything.
If the game crashes or lags it might be because of basic problems like insufficient space, outdated drivers and whatnot.
In almost all cases it has to do with a video card obsolescence issue, your video card and/or its drivers are too old for Ren'py to use or simply not recognized. A solution would probably be to create the following file in a notepad:
And save it in the game map as .rpy
I would start by updating your drivers though, sorry I can't be of much more help.
Somethin happened. I went to Emily, told her bou Sophia goin missin, an it's implied that we'll go to the city.
I come back the next day an she asks bou goin AGAIN as if we've already gone? An we have established identities an disguises?
It fixed itself. Apparently I jus needed to advance things wit Lilly so that it wouldn skip a portion of the story. I hope I haven accidentally skipped anythin else.
I cant find the way to elsa's house, could someboby explain my how to get there please?
Go to the beach and roam the Park ^^
EDIT: Ignore these questions, they have been answered over on f95zone by one of the devs. - Thanks
I have been waiting to start this one for sometime, but I am torn between the two paths, All I keep seeing is the Light path is more tame and dark path has NTR but also wilder H scenes.
Does the light path turn into more of a single vanilla one girl at a time H scenes or does it still have group scenes with more then one girl or are these scenes locked behind the dark path.
How much does the story change between the two paths?
I guess what I am saying is there a way to view all scenes so if you pick dark path can you see all of what the light has to offer still? Does the story change or just H scenes.
How much work is involved to run two saves side by side?
Instead of visiting f95
piracysite, here are the answers:There is a main Dark Path which starts around Day 69 if all characters are kept up to date.
Sarah and Sophia have individual Dark Path variations. Good Path story branches are those alternative choices Not Marked as Dark.
MC still has plenty of fun fetishes on the Good Path, just does not slowly become more sadistic or vengeful toward others, like he does on Dark Path. Group sex is mostly Dark Path, Lesbian and Sleep sex still happen on both paths.
Individual character storylines do change on Dark Path, with some characters relocating and their loved ones wondering where they went.
Completionists will want to have 2 or 3 path saves, but if you're more into BDSM, Sharing, NTR, Training and Corruption, Dark Path is your game. If you're looking for harem, love, pregnancy, and still having wild sex but with women professing appreciation, Good Path is your game.
There are Neutral Characters who exist and do not have split stories, so they're present regardless of path choice.
even if you say no to ramoray she still takes hilda is there no way around that
Saying NO takes you to a hidden ending (one of several in the game). In early days of development, that "ending" was planned to be a fully-fleshed-out path, but the plot of it was shifted to later in the game.
Most hidden endings (if not all) return to the moment of choice after playing out. Then they continue on, so players are not tossed to the Main Menu.
Yes, these "endings" are legit choices, but the direction of the game continues down the alternate choice.
I Keep Seeing Android 18 around, will we get a scene with her
For the time being, some of the characters in the background are simply easter eggs for fans. If her presence becomes something we can find a logical method of including in the story, maybe? But we already do have well over 45 love interests and adding more would be quite the challenge. Still, don't lose hope.
Ok Thx
Gotta say, this game man..... I actually care for some of the characters and I catch feels according to my choices. This game gets DARK, the kinda dark where you feel like trash for enjoying it. If you told me Shindo L worked with you on this game I would believe you. It is a game I would highly recommend to anyone but with HEAVY caution. I haven't even finished 1 run of the game but I will totally be trying all possible routes to see what choices truly matter.
Note to Developer: So far there has only been 1 or 2 choices clearly marked as Dark and Good, all others are veiled behind kink labels. I think (if possible, I have 0 experience with RenPy) change the colors of choices to reflect the impact it will have on the story. I don't wanna leave spoilers but some of my kink choices felt like I ruined some of the girls that I didn't wanna ruin. Also I don't know if the quests influence the story based on the order you complete them in.
I can't find Natalie all the week and in the galery all scene are locked
Some parts of the gallery only unlock depending on what choices you've made. It's impossible to complete it in a single playthrough because of vastly different paths, including a bunch of fetishes that not everyone is up for. As for Natalie, she's around the university stairs.
Also for everyone else, v0.12 contained a few minor bugs, mostly to do with the journal not correctly updating but those are fixed. v0.12.1 is already up.
How can I proceed on the harem path? is there a guide?
Those choices are clearly marked. No real guide is needed for it as everything unlocks naturally.
I don't really get what the "Neutral Path". Is it not so, that you can only choose good or dark path?
You're right, though I kinda like to call paths neutral if there are no split storylines, for instance, someone like Elsa/Emily/Nina.
so girls whose story doesn't change whatever path you choose are on the neutral path. Well that makes sense.
Can anybody help me when i play the game using rnplay it just crashes even before it actually complety loads but before the update it just works just fine
Maybe not enough space? Maybe an outdated system? Drivers? Corrupted download? Maybe other basic troubleshooting will help. I wish I could be of more help but it could be many things. One thing is for sure, the game works fine on Android.
It's really difficult to pinpoint problems for android users because there are so many phones/settings/OS's, I wish it was different but unfortunately it's not.
yeah i didn't work on joiplay so i donwloaded the android version gladly my saves still works either way thanks
How do l make 1 b zulies ? beacuse l only can make 750 by train girls is impossible
Do not try to buy the house until after Day 70. Even having that much money will not work. It is an event trigger as part of the NARRATIVE of the gameplay.
Besides, being "zulies" it should be obvious as a joke to those in the know. less obvious if you burn hours grinding cash.
There is no grinding necessary at all in LTA.
Try to have fun in the mean time. ;)
Spanking Leah and tossing her ass into the fountain for how she just brutalized Elsa was UNBELIEVABLY satisfying. Now, I get it was just a bit of escapist badassery for our entertainment but damn was it a great moment.
That said, it does bring up my only real complaint about the MC though. By that I mean how his characterization feels hella all over the place. It's not a deal breaker, but is there.
So far so good though and I'll keep supporting this fun little dive into utter near uninhibited debauchery.
Hey, reportin' a bug? Possibly?
I completed the update, and got a message that basically said I did, but I still can't trigger this?
EDIT: Day 121 -- so I more than meet the requirements; and update completion confirmation: https://prnt.sc/SQbylREsiSsd
Everything else is triggered except this, and Natalie's quest? https://prnt.sc/dYyuPtXbWA5V
Overall tho, good update!
Thanks a lot for the report and the kind words. That Natalie one does trigger, but the journal does not update. Especially with older saves seems it can cause issues. I will fix it asap. Cheers!
there is also a bug when trying to meet with the girl that is in your room as I tried in the morning, Afternoon, Evening and night it keeps saying that she and her cat are not there and or she has locked the door
@sunsteel thats the one he said was a visual error in the journal. It triggers :)
Thanks for quick reply, I searched through the gallery and it didn't look like I was missing any animated scenes, did the Luna scene not update as well? Or was that one not triggering?
I found the Luna issue as well, good catch and I've fixed it. Will update the game on here within a few days.
does picking wild/mild options affect anything? like whether we can go to dark route if we pick wild options too much or something?
Those mild/wild choices are solely there to make the scenes more vanilla and do not affect the story.
Dark/Good paths are clearly marked when you encounter them so choose wisely.
Can this be played on mobile but using joi play?
its not updating
It's currently uploading, it will be ready within an hour. Sorry about that.
Edit: Done.