Lewd Town Adventures 3rd Year Anniversary Post.

Hello everyone and welcome to the Lewd Town Adventures Three Year Anniversary Special!!!

This will be the last one that we'll do because Lewd Town Adventures is nearing its end. The game came out September 5, 2020 and after 3.5 years of development I think it’s enough.

What have we accomplished since last year? Let's dive in:
Over 8000 images and animations got added.
- Over 150 new events and easily over 700 pages of dialogue.
- The amount of code increased significantly.
- More music and sound effects got added throughout the game. (The game went from 125 songs to 160+.)
- Another 25% of outdated (lower quality, poorly lit, odd camera angle) scenes have been updated/remade. (Another 35-ish scenes to go.)
- Tons of interesting character moments, Easter eggs, and story twists we hope everyone enjoyed.

So yeah. pretty steady progression. Year one had about 8000 renders, last year about the same, and this year it's been similar. Surprisingly steady. That doesn't account for things like a new map, improved journal, more music, more sound, characters "thinking" and loads of other tweaks and remakes that have been made since then. Including scenes being a lot more impressive quality wise.

You can absolutely see the improvement from year to year when looking at the game which we're very happy about. For anyone that's interested in the full journey of Lewd Town Adventures here are some very informative posts:
The first year anniversary post: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/410865
Last year’s anniversary’s post: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/688651
(Or simply check out the older posts on Itch.)

Usually all the posts I write are 99% positive but - since I don't want to only speak about positivity this time, like nothing bad ever happens and it's all sunshine and roses - I thought it would be a good idea to talk about some of the downsides of creating a game like this.

When I started the game it was not intended to be vanilla at all.
The plan was a corruption and training game with loads of dirty, nasty kinks the average wholesome person would squint at in confusion. What I found out quickly though is that the majority of the audience simply likes vanilla stuff.

While that means I was in the minority, I'm actually glad for it because it challenged me to rethink my kinks.They say the more one dabbles in naughty stuff, the more the fetishes grow to get that kick. Desensitization and all that.

Not going to lie, it was a total shock to me reading so much negative feedback. I was honestly frightened to the point that I simply chose to go more vanilla. But I still wanted the heart of my idea to exist, so I split the game into basically two versions or 'paths':

The 'Dark' path is the game I actually wanted to make from the start and the 'Good' path is there to cater to the more vanilla crowd.

In hindsight this was probably a huge mistake. I was warned that I should only do one or the other but at that point, I was like "FUCK IT! I'll do both as there are not many others who do that."

The result is just so much extra time spent on making it happen - which for me was fun as I basically liked everything I did because it gives loads of creativity. I think it turned out really awesome, but one thing is for sure, the next game will be either - or, not both.

My reasoning is that LTA at this point has become very complicated overall. To even Xo, who has thousands of ideas and hundreds of imaginary characters chatting and flowing through his head every moment, it has become somewhat overwhelming to the point of stagnation and uncertainty which way to take the characters and plots.

Thus, on the writing side as well as the execution side the whole process is overcomplicated with branching paths and over 50 characters, which is something I never thought of in the earlier stages of the game.

Some mistakes were made with certain scenes, as of now a new version (v0.14.4) is up and that corrected all of those + includes a few bug/typo fixes. When becoming aware of said inconsistencies, I always wonder how the hell that happened. I guess sometimes you just get lost into the sheer amount of work and miss a couple of things. 

Anyway, creating games is fun for sure but also stressful. For instance the past two releases or so the game got pirated which resulted in a major loss for us financially.

The idea alone that the game easily had over a million players, the truth in numbers is that less than 1% makes a donation. There's nothing wrong with that but it also means that we're working for like a few dollars an hour.

After doing this for a while I can fully understand why successful devs become 'milkers'. While we do have a significant online community full of supporters and fans, a surprising amount of other players are either ignorant or just trolling who have no idea what it actually takes to create games. They are opinionated and vocal, determined and impatient, and they can drive developers mad and insane through various actions.

The sheer amount of one star reviews or shitty comments this game has gotten over the years is nuts. I'm just one guy and yet I've had the pleasure of reading hundreds of negative posts from people who never actually (or barely) played: they simply didn't like it for whatever reason which is fine as there are thousands of other games out there. BUT no need to attack devs for the work they do, especially indie devs.

"Grow some skin"  was the advice I got early and chose to take even though it's difficult and also made me more jaded. I wonder if growing thicker skin and giving less of a fuck about what people think is actually comparable.

The internet is full of toxic people I guess, you can find them everywhere. Just look at rotten tomatoes, youtube, and online critique forums for games and movies: things are wild.

It's almost always 1 or 10 Stars - but rarely anything in between. They either love everything about it or despise the work or person who created it. All sense of nuance is gone; it kinda annoys me. Usually I'm the spectator, but in this case I have to deal with that which is a nuisance.

Sure, donation-wise it's been pretty good, despite the game only having one option to receive donations. However it has stagnated over time, more so this past year which is probably because of economic and pandemic disparity as well as rising cost of living vs income in the world.

In many places around the world, paying $1000+ a month for a place to live has become normal. With inflation, rising food prices, fuel costs and - well, basically everything else... The world has gone mad and I have no faith in it getting better any time soon. Like in LTA, the tycoon CEOs have all the money and power and they're not going give it up.

The downside is, we can't pay our bills either. It's as simple as that. Time is money and we both would be better off washing dishes at our local restaurant which takes less hours and a lot less stress.

Having said that, it's not all that bad. In fact, there are loads of fans, we're seeing a steady rate of downloads, and there are plenty of nice comments and reviews as well.

Our Discord has over 5500 people which is massive! Though not that many people talk compared to other AVNs I'm a part of. I'm not sure why that is, but lurkers will lurk ;).

In Conclusion:
I really think we've had a good run. I wouldn't have changed anything. Maybe I'm just tired and in need of a break or something... But overall, I wanted to be honest with my experience and thoughts after 3 years of development.

Plenty of you guys are awesome, helpful, and great which is absolutely what keeps us going.
Take for instance our last two updates and to put it in numbers:

Over 1000 hours of work = 3 reviews, 20 good comments, 20 negative comments (including some crazy takes), and like $500 in donations.

It's kinda depressing, seeing such a low interaction - or none at all - one week after a release. Things get very quiet and that messes a bit with our motivation.

Although we've never been able to see the true extent of the game we created, whether players think it's great, hot, funny, or whatever emotion. Very little to no reactions or interaction makes it un-fun because we sometimes wonder what we’re doing it for. If it is entertaining or just a disappointment.

On Vacation:
Maybe we're just a bit burned out. Maybe we just need to step back and take a wider view of it all instead of burying ourselves six feet under the surface, trying to dig our way out... In any case, I have called for a break - which Xo agreed on - so we'll be back next month.

This means we will be doing IRL stuff, not focused on the game, relaxing and refreshing our minds and numb asses after spending literally 8-12 hours every day at our computer writing, rendering, coding, etc. We will still be online, interacting, answering questions, but it will hopefully make the final update the best it can be for all of us.

Like always, every subscriber gets a free one-month sub. I think we're the only developers who do this but I think - if we don't do a lot of work we don't take donations either.

We're not 'milkers' like some devs who just say they're working on the next update and keep raking in donations, while instead they're not even thinking about the project. We will still think about LTA while away from it. We just have so many threads to tie up, characters to reach their final resolution, taking a small vacation will make it all better in the end.

To those eagerly waiting for the next update, we apologize. As creators, we need a breath of air... So please bear with us.

Personally, I haven't gamed that much ever since I started on LTA. Two major releases came out lately (Baldur's Gate and Starfield). I kinda want to give those a go for a bit and get my mind off things. Xo is lost in Skyrim (a third playthrough but with some of the hottest mods available) so he's already at it.

The future of Lewd Town Adventures:
We'll do one more massive update that will be the biggest update ever in the history of Lewd Town Adventures, even possibly the biggest update in the history of adult visual novels.

Over the years we've proven ourselves to be dedicated, to be hardworking, to have literally made one the biggest adult visual novels on the damn market within 3 years time.

The game easily had over a million downloads which makes us really happy. We will complete it in a satisfying way. In fact, hundreds of pages are written and currently being rendered.

There will be over 30 endings included. So expect something really awesome when the update is finally done. I consider Lewd Town Adventures finished when the quality of the whole game is up to par with my standards and every character will have closure.

More information on that later.
This post was originally way longer, probably too long so I decided to keep part two for another time.  Lots of more information and very interesting stuff is coming in the near future.

Since this is a public post and I'm not sure how many people are going to read this:
Lewd Town Adventures can use your help by reviewing the game. If you have some time left, feel free to drop a  comment or a review.

Cheers for the long read. We'll be back on October the 8th. See you then.

~ Jam & Xo

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even though I’m late to the game… really appreciate the update. So far I really love the game. It’s one of the first VN’s I’ve played where for whatever reason the stakes and my investment are far higher. Even with a few of my all time favorites I have my reasons for loving them. But this one makes me think, makes me actually consider repercussions and how I want my character to be viewed. You’ve done something very genuine here by giving a human feeling to a character that most would use as a vehicle for wish fulfillment. 

Don’t get me wrong, we all know a huge portion of this market is tailored specifically for wish fulfillment. But it’s something really crazy when you go into a game expecting a bunch of H content and instead get an actual story and characters you start to care about. 

just. Great work everyone. 


I like this game. Sometimes I run into stuff I'm not personally all that into (mostly things like seeing sexualized disney characters lol), but I don't think any game is going to be 100% for any given player. I really like the "Light" Path with how wholesome it is and I really want to see a good conclusion for the MC and all the ladies. 

Right now, I think my favorite characters are the older sister and the somewhat obsessive girl that lives in the park (I can't remember their names since it's been a while since I played and I'm bad with names). I just really like that family building kind of stuff.

I really hope you guys finish this. I'm not a very lewd person, but LTA's been enjoyable and fun to play through.


I love this game. You guys are amazing. Money is a bit tight now, but will be donating soon. I do want to say that the continuity of some scenes such as Hilda and Matilda could use a look with a fresh pair of eyes... they occur before the path split though, so I presume those are the remaining 25% you mentioned... Man, love what's going on in all this. Being a vanilla dude, I'm so glad you did both, but you know... I wonder what would be stopping you from making two separate versions of your next game, instead of trying to fit both in the same game... Whatever the case, you guys are the greatest. There are a couple games I tried that tried to do a good path and a bad path/route, but obviously did not care to cater to the vanilla side at all. You guys  have made my personal GOAT list. If I ever have to come clean about my game stash to someone, know that I will be showing this one... Not much else I can say without spoilers, so... Good luck in the future, you rock (hard)!

(1 edit) (+2)

i love your game. i love the direction you have taken with it so far (dark path is my fave :). you have done and are doing an amazing job and i hope you enjoy your guys much needed vacation. i dont usually drop comments but hearing this and seeing the numbers i realize they mean a lot and they ARE being read so just thought id add my voice to it. thanks again! now i have 7 months of updates worth to catch up on so so ttyl!


Bro this Game is one oh the ones i look forward to the most so thank you for all your hard work.


Bro this game is awesome not just the lewds but the storys to i wish i could donate but money is tight right now but know you have my support

Cheers for the kind words guys:)


Appreciate yall for taking the time to make the game as well as this post. We don't get the transparency and forwardness from other devs more often than not.


Found  this game recently but it is great the dark side and good side, don't let the negative comments keep you down :)


You guys are legendary for making a game that goes this deep and for spliting it up into various branch choices the game is fun butbit also has its dark moments which is necessary ive been a fan for a little over two years you guys have made a fire game cheers to you all and have fun on your break cant wait for the big finish

Deleted post

Well I am soooo glad you took both paths! I'm more for the "dark" path,or as you say, the way game was going to be, but I like to play vanilla path too, it's very nice to compare both of them!

One thing you must know is, you can't make everyone happy. People are like that, some of them aren't happy with it's own path in real life....

Well, thank you so much for creating this amazing and awesome game... both paths, pure bliss and perfection! Loved every sec of it. Thank you so much... don't change too much because of others.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well - it´s LEWD Town Adventures... so don´t hesitate to go Lewd ;) and i hope "one more" does not mean "the last"? But it seems it is... Anyway - Never ever regret the Choices you made while you were making this game. So if you want to bring it to an End - do it your Way! It is and will ever be a Masterpiece! And Enjoy your Vacation!

(2 edits) (+2)

I'll be honest. Making the two paths was not a mistake in my opinion. It's one of the things that drew me to the game. There is a lot of stuff I love about the dark path but there is also stuff I don't like in it too (unpleasant heart-wrenching stuff). That is why I also enjoy that there is a good path where I can see what doing the right thing is like.

There were times when the events in the dark path actually overwhelmed me to the point that I was forced to take breaks from the game just to cope, but despite those, I kept playing, and I'm glad I did. I've really enjoyed this game; the occasional upsetting content aside.

I still have yet to see all the branches but I'll get there one day, but until then, I will continue to savor the story as I explore all its branches.

Enjoy the break, you guys have more than earned it.


Definitely one of my favorite games on itch, i enjoyed playing through both paths, but i wish there was a gallery guide or hints for the gallery as i've played the game several times but im still missing a few of them... tho it would probably be alot of work overall this game is very well made and fun to play, I'm personally more vanilla tho I did enjoy the dark path as well this was one of the first games that opened me to accept ntr, this game will always be my one of top 3 on itch.io in this category 


definitely enjoyed your game my friend, i feel for you being on the more kinkier side with the... "content" i want haha. it's always the case with creative works, most just appreciate it then move on and its the super fans or the hateful spit filled people that constantly bring it up, vocal minorities indeed.

also yeah, i feel like doing a path you either need very obvious this is good, this is bad, or have the choice of path a bit earlier on so people can get on the train they want to take, not ideal but if people hit a kink or something they are really not into it can really kill their mood. but hey we are all different and i appreciate you not compromising and just going full vanilla and sticking to your guns of having the "weirder" stuff.

I'm in the veeeery early planning stages of my own thing and was deciding on that very fact, luckily its not as ambitious with only 2 endings but the choice of good or bad will kind of be the gate to the really messed up corruption mind break stuff on one side and then like kink light on the other with a bit more wholesomeness. good to hear from a developer on the potential nightmares in my future haha,

looking forward to to the end, and to your next game. enjoy your vacation.


I mean, this is easily one of the best degenerate games here but the main issues are how tedious it is to try to play through multiple paths and that there's no simple "choose this color if you want this path" so one can just blitz through everything at once on their different playthroughs.

I wouldn't be discouraged though, this is still one of the better ones out there.